BITS = ('0', '1') ASCII_BITS = 7 def display_bits(b): """converts list of {0, 1}* to string""" return ''.join([BITS[e] for e in b]) def seq_to_bits(seq): return [0 if b == '0' else 1 for b in seq] def pad_bits(bits, pad): """pads seq with leading 0s up to length pad""" assert len(bits) <= pad return [0] * (pad - len(bits)) + bits def convert_to_bits(n): """converts an integer `n` to bit array""" result = [] if n == 0: return [0] while n > 0: result = [(n % 2)] + result n = n / 2 return result def string_to_bits(s): def chr_to_bit(c): return pad_bits(convert_to_bits(ord(c)), ASCII_BITS) return [b for group in map(chr_to_bit, s) for b in group] def bits_to_char(b): assert len(b) == ASCII_BITS value = 0 for e in b: value = (value * 2) + e return chr(value) def list_to_string(p): return ''.join(p) def bits_to_string(b): return ''.join([bits_to_char(b[i:i + ASCII_BITS]) for i in range(0, len(b), ASCII_BITS)]) common100 = {1: 'the', 2: 'of', 3: 'and', 4: 'a', 5: 'to', 6: 'in', 7: 'is', 8: 'you', 9: 'that', 10: 'it', 11: 'he', 12: 'was', 13: 'for', 14: 'on', 15: 'are', 16: 'as', 17: 'with', 18: 'his', 19: 'they', 20: 'I', 21: 'at', 22: 'be', 23: 'this', 24: 'have', 25: 'from', 26: 'or', 27: 'one', 28: 'had', 29: 'by', 30: 'word', 31: 'but', 32: 'not', 33: 'what', 34: 'all', 35: 'were', 36: 'we', 37: 'when', 38: 'your', 39: 'can', 40: 'said', 41: 'there', 42: 'use', 43: 'an', 44: 'each', 45: 'which', 46: 'she', 47: 'do', 48: 'how', 49: 'their', 50: 'if', 51: 'will', 52: 'up', 53: 'other', 54: 'about', 55: 'out', 56: 'many', 57: 'then', 58: 'them', 59: 'these', 60: 'so', 61: 'some', 62: 'her', 63: 'would', 64: 'make', 65: 'like', 66: 'him', 67: 'into', 68: 'time', 69: 'has', 70: 'look', 71: 'two', 72: 'more', 73: 'write', 74: 'go', 75: 'see', 76: 'number', 77: 'no', 78: 'way', 79: 'could', 80: 'people', 81: 'my', 82: 'than', 83: 'first', 84: 'water', 85: 'been', 86: 'call', 87: 'who', 88: 'oil', 89: 'its', 90: 'now', 91: 'find', 92: 'long', 93: 'down', 94: 'day', 95: 'did', 96: 'get', 97: 'come', 98: 'made', 99: 'may', 100: 'part'} #print bits_to_string([1,0,1,0,1,1,0]) string1 = "1010110010011110011111101110011001101100111010001111011101101011101000110010011000000101001110111010010111100100111101001010000011000001010001001001010000000010101001000011100100010011011011011011010111010011000101010111111110010011010111001001010101110001111101010000001011110100000000010010111001111010110000001101010010110101100010011111111011101101001011111001101111101111000100100001000111101111011011001011110011000100011111100001000101111000011101110101110010010100010111101111110011011011001101110111011101100110010100010001100011001010100110001000111100011011001000010101100001110011000000001110001011101111010100101110101000100100010111011000001111001110000011111111111110010111111000011011001010010011100011100001011001101110110001011101011101111110100001111011011000110001011111111101110110101101101001011110110010111101000111011001111" string2 = "1011110110100110000001101000010111001000110010000110110001101001111101010000101000110100111010000010011001100100111001101010001001010001000011011001010100001100111011010011111100100101000001001001011001110010010100101011111010001110010010101111110001100010100001110000110001111111001000100001001010100011100100001101010101111000100001111101111110111001000101111111101011001010000100100000001011001001010000101001110101110100001111100001011101100100011000110111110001000100010111110110111010010010011101011111111001011011001010010110100100011001010110110001001000100011011001110111010010010010110100110100000111100001111101111010011000100100110011111011001010101000100000011111010010110111001100011100001111100100110010010001111010111011110110001000111101010110101001110111001110111010011111111010100111000100111001011000111101111101100111011001111" def find_string(code, word): attempts = 1 while len(code) > len(word): if word == code[0:len(word)]: return True, attempts, code code = code[7:] attempts += 1 return 'not found' for each in common100: the = display_bits(string_to_bits(common100[each])) #print common100[each], find_string(string2, the) q = 0 blah = string_to_bits('on') blah2 = [1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0] print blah print blah2
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