s="whatdoyoumeanwhat" w="what" sup="------------------------------------------" float=1.12 years=20 #appears bellow print (len("a")) print (len("abdfd")) #len("string") length de uma string print(len(s)) #printing word what character by character print((s[13])) print((s[14])) print((s[15])) print((s[16])) print("what"+"do"+"you") #concatenation print(w+"do"+"you") #variable contains string print(w+"do"+"you"*3) #multiplication print(w+"-"*11+w) #wat print(sup) print("HOW MANY YEARS DO YOU HAVE?") print(sup) years=40 print("YOU HAVE"+" years"*years) print("%d years") % years # %d marking. in this case for integers. print(sup) print("%s you mean: WHAT DO YOU MEAN") % s # %s marking for strings print(w+" %f") % float # %f float marking print(sup) print("[%9d]") % years #print 40 between brakets but take up 5 characters, add blank if necessary print("[%05d]") % years #print 40 between brakets but take up 5 characters, add ZEROES if necessary print("[%-9d]") % years #same as above but this time do it from right to left print(sup) print("FLOAT CHARACTER CONTROL") print (sup) print ("[%8.3f]" % 6) #number after comma controls range after comma. print ("[%20.4f]" % float) #number before comman should do the same for range b4 comma print ("[%7.1f]" % float) #both these numbers share the space bofore the comma. print(sup) print("FLOAT CHARACTER play") print (sup) nome="luiz" anos=21 grana=62.45 #62 reais e 45 centavos print("olá meu nome é %s e eu tenho %d anos de idade, tenho %f no bolso :D" %(nome,anos,grana)) #notice the float printing zeros print("olá meu nome é %s e eu tenho %d anos de idade, tenho %4.2f no bolso :D" %(nome,anos,grana)) #a.b : b is immediately sensitive to changes. a only matters if it exceeds the ammount of numbers that would normally print print(sup) print("string slicin") print (sup) print(s[0:4]+" "+s[4:6]+" "+s[6:9]+" "+s[9:13]+" "+s[13:18]) #python range does not include the last number! print(s[:4]) #until 4th character print (s[4:]) #4th onwards print(s[-4:]) #last four character. 4 counted from end of string until beginnig
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