# Enter your definitions for the SimpleVirus and Patient classes in this box. class SimpleVirus(object): """ Representation of a simple virus (does not model drug effects/resistance). """ def __init__(self, maxBirthProb, clearProb): """ Initialize a SimpleVirus instance, saves all parameters as attributes of the instance. maxBirthProb: Maximum reproduction probability (a float between 0-1) clearProb: Maximum clearance probability (a float between 0-1). """ self.maxBirthProb = maxBirthProb self.clearProb = clearProb def getMaxBirthProb(self): """ Returns the max birth probability. """ return self.maxBirthProb def getClearProb(self): """ Returns the clear probability. """ return self.clearProb def doesClear(self): """ Stochastically determines whether this virus particle is cleared from the patient's body at a time step. returns: True with probability self.getClearProb and otherwise returns False. """ return random.random() > self.clearProb def reproduce(self, popDensity): """ Stochastically determines whether this virus particle reproduces at a time step. Called by the update() method in the Patient and TreatedPatient classes. The virus particle reproduces with probability self.maxBirthProb * (1 - popDensity). If this virus particle reproduces, then reproduce() creates and returns the instance of the offspring SimpleVirus (which has the same maxBirthProb and clearProb values as its parent). popDensity: the population density (a float), defined as the current virus population divided by the maximum population. returns: a new instance of the SimpleVirus class representing the offspring of this virus particle. The child should have the same maxBirthProb and clearProb values as this virus. Raises a NoChildException if this virus particle does not reproduce. """ repoProbability = self.maxBirthProb * (1 - popDensity) if(random.random() > repoProbability): raise NoChildException('In reproduce()') return SimpleVirus(self.maxBirthProb, self.clearProb) class Patient(object): """ Representation of a simplified patient. The patient does not take any drugs and his/her virus populations have no drug resistance. """ def __init__(self, viruses, maxPop): """ Initialization function, saves the viruses and maxPop parameters as attributes. viruses: the list representing the virus population (a list of SimpleVirus instances) maxPop: the maximum virus population for this patient (an integer) """ self.viruses = viruses self.maxPop = maxPop def getViruses(self): """ Returns the viruses in this Patient. """ return self.viruses def getMaxPop(self): """ Returns the max population. """ return self.maxPop def getTotalPop(self): """ Gets the size of the current total virus population. returns: The total virus population (an integer) """ return len(self.viruses) def update(self): """ Update the state of the virus population in this patient for a single time step. update() should execute the following steps in this order: - Determine whether each virus particle survives and updates the list of virus particles accordingly. - The current population density is calculated. This population density value is used until the next call to update() - Based on this value of population density, determine whether each virus particle should reproduce and add offspring virus particles to the list of viruses in this patient. returns: The total virus population at the end of the update (an integer) """ self.viruses[virus for virus in self.viruses if not virus.doesClear()] virusPopDensity = len(self.viruses) / float(self.maxPop) for virus in self.viruses: try: self.viruses.append(v.reproduce(virusPopDensity) except NoChildException: pass return len(self.viruses) # Problem 3: simulationWithoutDrug def simulationWithoutDrug(numViruses, maxPop, maxBirthProb, clearProb, numTrials): steps = 300 trialResults = [[] for s in range(steps)] for __ in range(numTrials): viruses = [SimpleVirus(maxBirthProb, clearProb) for v in range(numViruses)] patient = Patient(viruses, maxPop) for step in range(steps): trialResults[step].append(patient.update()) resultsSummary = [sum(l) / float(numTrials) for l in trialResults] pylab.plot(resultsSummary, label="Total Virus Population") pylab.title("SimpleVirus simulation") pylab.xlabel("Time Steps") pylab.ylabel("Average Virus Population") pylab.legend() pylab.show() simulationWithoutDrug(100, 1000, 0.1, 0.05, 100)
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