""" A workflow node adapter that sends an email and asynchronously. Author: Reinaldo """ from __future__ import with_statement import logging from sendgrid.helpers.mail import * from sendgrid import * import email_adapter_constants from vi_workflow.base import ViWorkflowAsyncNode class ViSimpleEmailAdapterAsync(ViWorkflowAsyncNode): """Creates an Async Node to send email and wait for a callback.""" def run(self, receiver_email_address=None, subject=None, message=None, **kwargs): """Invoked by the framework. Args: receiver_email_address: A string containing the TO email address. subject: The subject line of the email that will be sent. message: A String containing the message to be sent. Yields: An Asynchronous workflow node. """ logging.info('receiver_email_address: %s', receiver_email_address) random_token = kwargs.pop( email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_NAME_RANDOM_TOKEN) hostname = email_adapter_constants.HOSTNAME approve_params = { email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_NAME_RANDOM_TOKEN: random_token, email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_NAME_CHOICE: email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_VALUE_APPROVE } cancel_params = { email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_NAME_RANDOM_TOKEN: random_token, email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_NAME_CHOICE: email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_CGI_VALUE_REJECT } approve_url = email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_URL_TMPL % ( hostname, self.get_callback_url(**approve_params)) cancel_url = email_adapter_constants.CALLBACK_URL_TMPL % ( hostname, self.get_callback_url(**cancel_params)) body = message from_email = Email("list-build-tool@informationretrieval.systems", "ListBuildingToolPoweredByAppengine") to_email = Email( receiver_email_address, receiver_email_address) content = Content("text/plain", message) mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content) mail_settings = MailSettings() # Mark the message as sandbox so it is not actually sent out by Sendgrid. mail_settings.sandbox_mode = SandBoxMode(True) mail.mail_settings = mail_settings sg = SendGridAPIClient(apikey=email_adapter_constants.SENDGRID_API_KEY) data = mail.get() response = sg.client.mail.send.post(request_body=data) logging.info('SendMail result: %s, %s, %s', response.status_code, response.headers, response.body) self.complete(True)
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