'''This is a prime number sieve based upon the sieve of Eratosthenes. Originally I saw this attempted at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15347174/python-finding-prime-factors by the user Ashwini Chaudhary. It was my oppinion it could be written more efficiently. This is my v 1.0.''' def primeSieve(num): ## If the input number is less than 2 there are no possible primes. if num < 2: return [] ## Generate a list from 2(the first prime) to the input number. ## By not adding any even numbers to the list (other than 2), we can save one run of the inner loop during list generation. numList = [2] + [i for i in range(3, num+1, 2)] ## Start sieve at three, because 2 was taken care of in the list generation. currentPrime = 3 ## Set the end value for the inner loop. ## Perform operation here to prevent continuously making the calculation in the inner loop. innerMax = num//2+1 ## As long as the currentPrime^2 is less than or equal to the input number there continues to be a chance to remove more numbers. for currentPrime in numList: ## The counter for the inner loop only needs to start at the value of the current Prime being evaluated. ## All numbers below that point have already been calculated. innerCounter = currentPrime while innerCounter <= innerMax: if currentPrime * innerCounter in numList: numList.remove((currentPrime * innerCounter)) innerCounter += 1 return (numList)
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