import os import argparse import logging import logging.handlers from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from datetime import datetime, timedelta import sys import time import signal import yaml def parse_arguments(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A simple security system to run on a Raspberry Pi.') p.add_argument('-c', '--config_file', help='Path to config file.', default='/etc/rpi-security.conf') p.add_argument('-s', '--state_file', help='Path to state file.', default='/var/lib/rpi-security/state.yaml') p.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='To enable debug output to stdout', action='store_true', default=False) return p.parse_args() def check_monitor_mode(network_interface): """ Returns True if an interface is in monitor mode """ result = False try: type_file = open('/sys/class/net/%s/type' % network_interface, 'r') operstate_file = open('/sys/class/net/%s/operstate' % network_interface, 'r') except: pass else: if'80') and not'down'): result = True return result def get_network_address(interface_name): """ Calculates the network address of an interface. This is used in ARP scanning. """ from netaddr import IPNetwork from netifaces import ifaddresses interface_details = ifaddresses(interface_name) my_network = IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (interface_details[2][0]['addr'], interface_details[2][0]['netmask'])) network_address = my_network.cidr logger.debug('Calculated network: %s' % network_address) return str(network_address) def get_interface_mac_addr(network_interface): """ Returns the MAC address of an interface """ result = False try: f = open('/sys/class/net/%s/address' % network_interface, 'r') except: pass else: result = return result def parse_config_file(config_file): def str2bool(v): return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") default_config = { 'camera_save_path': '/var/tmp', 'network_interface': 'mon0', 'packet_timeout': '700', 'debug_mode': 'False', 'pir_pin': '14', 'camera_vflip': 'False', 'camera_hflip': 'False', 'camera_image_size': '1024x768', 'camera_mode': 'video', 'camera_capture_length': '3' } cfg = SafeConfigParser(defaults=default_config) dict_config = dict(cfg.items('main')) dict_config['debug_mode'] = str2bool(dict_config['debug_mode']) dict_config['camera_vflip'] = str2bool(dict_config['camera_vflip']) dict_config['camera_hflip'] = str2bool(dict_config['camera_hflip']) dict_config['pir_pin'] = int(dict_config['pir_pin']) dict_config['camera_image_size'] = tuple([int(x) for x in dict_config['camera_image_size'].split('x')]) dict_config['camera_capture_length'] = int(dict_config['camera_capture_length']) dict_config['camera_mode'] = dict_config['camera_mode'].lower() dict_config['packet_timeout'] = int(dict_config['packet_timeout']) if ',' in dict_config['mac_addresses']: dict_config['mac_addresses'] = dict_config['mac_addresses'].lower().split(',') else: dict_config['mac_addresses'] = [ dict_config['mac_addresses'].lower() ] return dict_config def read_state_file(state_file): result = {} try: with open(state_file, 'r') as stream: result = yaml.load(stream) or {} except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to read state file %s: %s' % (state_file, e)) else: logger.debug('State file read: %s' % state_file) return result def write_state_file(state_file, state_data): """ Writes a state file to disk. """ try: with open(state_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(state_data, f, default_flow_style=False) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to write state file %s: %s' % (state_file, e)) else: logger.debug('State file written: %s' % state_file) def take_photo(output_file): """ Captures a photo and saves it disk. """ if args.debug: GPIO.output(32, True) time.sleep(0.25) GPIO.output(32, False) try: camera.capture(output_file) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to take photo: %s' % e) return False else:"Captured image: %s" % output_file) return True def take_gif(output_file, length, temp_directory): temp_jpeg_path = temp_directory + "/rpi-security-" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") + 'gif-part' jpeg_files = ['%s-%s.jpg' % (temp_jpeg_path, i) for i in range(length*3)] try: for jpeg in jpeg_files: camera.capture(jpeg, resize=(800,600))[0]) jpeg_files_no_first_frame=[x for x in jpeg_files if x != jpeg_files[0]] ims = [ for i in jpeg_files_no_first_frame], append_images=ims, save_all=True, loop=0, duration=200) im.close() for imfile in ims: imfile.close() for jpeg in jpeg_files: os.remove(jpeg) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to create GIF: %s' % e) return False else:"Captured gif: %s" % output_file) return True def archive_photo(photo_path): #command = 'cp %(source) %(destination)' % {"source": "/var/tmp/blah", "destination": "s3/blah/blah"} logger.debug('Archiving of photo complete: %s' % photo_path) pass def telegram_send_message(message): if 'telegram_chat_id' not in state: logger.error('Telegram failed to send message because Telegram chat_id is not set. Send a message to the Telegram bot') return False try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=state['telegram_chat_id'], parse_mode='Markdown', text=message, timeout=10) except Exception as e: logger.error('Telegram message failed to send message "%s" with exception: %s' % (message, e)) else:'Telegram message Sent: "%s"' % message) return True def telegram_send_file(file_path): if 'telegram_chat_id' not in state: logger.error('Telegram failed to send file %s because Telegram chat_id is not set. Send a message to the Telegram bot' % file_path) return False filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) try: if file_extension == '.mp4': bot.sendVideo(chat_id=state['telegram_chat_id'], video=open(file_path, 'rb'), timeout=30) elif file_extension == '.gif': bot.sendDocument(chat_id=state['telegram_chat_id'], document=open(file_path, 'rb'), timeout=30) elif file_extension == '.jpeg': bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=state['telegram_chat_id'], photo=open(file_path, 'rb'), timeout=10) else: logger.error('Uknown file not sent: %s' % file_path) except Exception as e: logger.error('Telegram failed to send file %s with exception: %s' % (file_path, e)) return False else:'Telegram file sent: %s' % file_path) return True def arp_ping_macs(mac_addresses, address, repeat=1): """ Performs an ARP scan of a destination MAC address to try and determine if they are present on the network. """ def _arp_ping(mac_address, ip_address): result = False answered,unanswered = srp(Ether(dst=mac_address)/ARP(pdst=ip_address), timeout=1, verbose=False) if len(answered) > 0: for reply in answered: if reply[1].hwsrc == mac_address: if type(result) is not list: result = [] result.append(str(reply[1].psrc)) result = ', '.join(result) return result while repeat > 0: if time.time() - alarm_state['last_packet'] < 30: break for mac_address in mac_addresses: result = _arp_ping(mac_address, address) if result: logger.debug('MAC %s responded to ARP ping with address %s' % (mac_address, result)) break else: logger.debug('MAC %s did not respond to ARP ping' % mac_address) if repeat > 1: time.sleep(2) repeat -= 1 def process_photos(network_address, mac_addresses): """ Monitors the captured_from_camera list for newly captured photos. When a new photos are present it will run arp_ping_macs to remove false positives and then send the photos via Telegram. After successfully sendind the photo it will also archive the photo and remove it from the list. """"thread running") while True: if len(captured_from_camera) > 0: if alarm_state['current_state'] == 'armed': arp_ping_macs(mac_addresses, network_address, repeat=3) for photo in list(captured_from_camera): if alarm_state['current_state'] != 'armed': break logger.debug('Processing the photo: %s' % photo) alarm_state['alarm_triggered'] = True if telegram_send_file(photo): archive_photo(photo) captured_from_camera.remove(photo) else: logger.debug('Stopping photo processing as state is now %s' % alarm_state['current_state']) for photo in list(captured_from_camera):'Removing photo as it is a false positive: %s' % photo) captured_from_camera.remove(photo) # Delete the photo file time.sleep(5) def capture_packets(network_interface, network_interface_mac, mac_addresses): """ This function uses scapy to sniff packets for our MAC addresses and updates a counter when packets are detected. """ logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) from scapy.all import sniff def update_time(packet): for mac_address in mac_addresses: if mac_address in packet[0].addr2 or mac_address in packet[0].addr3: alarm_state['last_packet_mac'] = mac_address break alarm_state['last_packet'] = time.time() logger.debug('Packet detected from %s' % str(alarm_state['last_packet_mac'])) def calculate_filter(mac_addresses): mac_string = ' or '.join(mac_addresses) return '((wlan addr2 (%(mac_string)s) or wlan addr3 (%(mac_string)s)) and type mgt subtype probe-req) or (wlan addr1 %(network_interface_mac)s and wlan addr3 (%(mac_string)s))' % { 'mac_string' : mac_string, 'network_interface_mac' : network_interface_mac } while True:"thread running") try: sniff(iface=network_interface, store=0, prn=update_time, filter=calculate_filter(mac_addresses)) except Exception as e: exit_error('Scapy failed to sniff with error %s. Please check help or update scapy version' % e) def update_alarm_state(new_alarm_state): if new_alarm_state != alarm_state['current_state']: alarm_state['previous_state'] = alarm_state['current_state'] alarm_state['current_state'] = new_alarm_state alarm_state['last_state_change'] = time.time()"rpi-security is now %s" % alarm_state['current_state']) telegram_send_message('rpi-security: *%s*' % alarm_state['current_state']) def monitor_alarm_state(packet_timeout, network_address, mac_addresses): """ This function monitors and updates the alarm state based on data from Telegram and the alarm_state dictionary. """"thread running") while True: time.sleep(3) now = time.time() if alarm_state['current_state'] != 'disabled': if now - alarm_state['last_packet'] > packet_timeout + 20: update_alarm_state('armed') elif now - alarm_state['last_packet'] > packet_timeout: arp_ping_macs(mac_addresses, network_address) else: update_alarm_state('disarmed') def telegram_bot(token, camera_save_path, camera_capture_length, camera_mode): """ This function runs the telegram bot that responds to commands like /enable, /disable or /status. """ def prepare_status(alarm_state_dict): def readable_delta(then, now=time.time()): td = timedelta(seconds=now - then) days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds // 60 % 60 text = '%s minutes' % minutes if hours > 0: text = '%s hours and ' % hours + text if days > 0: text = '%s days, ' % days + text return text return '*rpi-security status*\nCurrent state: _%s_\nLast state: _%s_\nLast change: _%s ago_\nUptime: _%s_\nLast MAC detected: _%s %s ago_\nAlarm triggered: _%s_' % ( alarm_state_dict['current_state'], alarm_state_dict['previous_state'], readable_delta(alarm_state_dict['last_state_change']), readable_delta(alarm_state_dict['start_time']), alarm_state_dict['last_packet_mac'], readable_delta(alarm_state_dict['last_packet']), alarm_state_dict['alarm_triggered'] ) def save_chat_id(bot, update): if 'telegram_chat_id' not in state: state['telegram_chat_id'] = update.message.chat_id write_state_file(state_file=args.state_file, state_data=state) logger.debug('Set Telegram chat_id %s' % update.message.chat_id) def debug(bot, update): logger.debug('Received Telegram bot message: %s' % update.message.text) def check_chat_id(update): if update.message.chat_id != state['telegram_chat_id']: logger.debug('Ignoring Telegam update with filtered chat id %s: %s' % (update.message.chat_id, update.message.text)) return False else: return True def help(bot, update): if check_chat_id(update): bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, parse_mode='Markdown', text='/status: Request status\n/disable: Disable alarm\n/enable: Enable alarm\n/photo: Take a photo\n/gif: Take a gif\n', timeout=10) def status(bot, update): if check_chat_id(update): bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, parse_mode='Markdown', text=prepare_status(alarm_state), timeout=10) def disable(bot, update): if check_chat_id(update): update_alarm_state('disabled') def enable(bot, update): if check_chat_id(update): update_alarm_state('disarmed') def photo(bot, update): if check_chat_id(update): file_path = camera_save_path + "/rpi-security-" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") + '.jpeg' take_photo(file_path) telegram_send_file(file_path) def gif(bot, update): if check_chat_id(update): file_path = camera_save_path + "/rpi-security-" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") + '.gif' take_gif(file_path, camera_capture_length, camera_save_path) telegram_send_file(file_path) def error(bot, update, error): logger.error('Update "%s" caused error "%s"' % (update, error)) updater = Updater(token) dp = updater.dispatcher dp.add_handler(RegexHandler('.*', save_chat_id), group=1) dp.add_handler(RegexHandler('.*', debug), group=2) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("status", status)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("disable", disable)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("enable", enable)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("photo", photo)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("gif", gif)) dp.add_error_handler(error)"thread running") updater.start_polling(timeout=10) def motion_detected(channel): """ Capture a photo if motion is detected and the alarm state is armed """ current_state = alarm_state['current_state'] if current_state == 'armed':'Motion detected') file_prefix = config['camera_save_path'] + "/rpi-security-" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") if config['camera_mode'] == 'gif': camera_output_file = "%s.gif" % file_prefix take_gif(camera_output_file, config['camera_capture_length'], config['camera_save_path']) captured_from_camera.append(camera_output_file) elif config['camera_mode'] == 'photo': for i in range(0, config['camera_capture_length'], 1): camera_output_file = "%s-%s.jpeg" % (file_prefix, i) take_photo(camera_output_file) captured_from_camera.append(camera_output_file) else: logger.error("Unkown camera_mode %s" % config['camera_mode']) else: logger.debug('Motion detected but current_state is: %s' % current_state) def exit_cleanup(): GPIO.cleanup() if 'camera' in vars(): camera.close() def exit_clean(signal=None, frame=None):"rpi-security stopping...") exit_cleanup() sys.exit(0) def exit_error(message): logger.critical(message) exit_cleanup() try: current_thread().getName() except NameError: sys.exit(1) else: os._exit(1) def exception_handler(type, value, tb): logger.exception("Uncaught exception: {0}" % format(str(value))) def setup_logging(debug_mode=False, log_to_stdout=False): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) syslog_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log') syslog_format = logging.Formatter("%(filename)s:%(threadName)s %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") syslog_handler.setFormatter(syslog_format) if log_to_stdout: stdout_level = logging.DEBUG stdout_format = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s %(filename)s:%(lineno)-3s %(threadName)-19s %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: stdout_level = logging.CRITICAL stdout_format = logging.Formatter("ERROR: %(message)s") if debug_mode: syslog_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: syslog_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(syslog_handler) stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stdout_handler.setFormatter(stdout_format) stdout_handler.setLevel(stdout_level) logger.addHandler(stdout_handler) return logger if __name__ == "__main__": GPIO.setwarnings(False) # Parse arguments and configuration, set up logging args = parse_arguments() config = parse_config_file(args.config_file) logger = setup_logging(debug_mode=config['debug_mode'], log_to_stdout=args.debug) state = read_state_file(args.state_file) sys.excepthook = exception_handler captured_from_camera = [] # Some intial checks before proceeding if check_monitor_mode(config['network_interface']): config['network_interface_mac'] = get_interface_mac_addr(config['network_interface']) # Hard coded interface name here. Need a better solution... config['network_address'] = get_network_address('wlan0') else: exit_error('Interface %s does not exist, is not in monitor mode, is not up or MAC address unknown.' % config['network_interface']) if not os.geteuid() == 0: exit_error('%s must be run as root' % sys.argv[0]) # Now begin importing slow modules and setting up camera, Telegram and threads import picamera logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) from scapy.all import srp, Ether, ARP from scapy.all import conf as scapy_conf scapy_conf.promisc=0 scapy_conf.sniff_promisc=0 import telegram from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, RegexHandler from threading import Thread, current_thread from PIL import Image GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(32, GPIO.OUT, initial=False) try: camera = picamera.PiCamera() camera.resolution = config['camera_image_size'] camera.vflip = config['camera_vflip'] camera.hflip = config['camera_hflip'] camera.led = False except Exception as e: exit_error('Camera module failed to intialise with error %s' % e) try: bot = telegram.Bot(token=config['telegram_bot_token']) except Exception as e: exit_error('Failed to connect to Telegram with error: %s' % e) # Set the initial alarm_state dictionary alarm_state = { 'start_time': time.time(), 'current_state': 'disarmed', 'previous_state': 'stopped', 'last_state_change': time.time(), 'last_packet': time.time(), 'last_packet_mac': None, 'alarm_triggered': False } # Start the threads telegram_bot_thread = Thread(name='telegram_bot', target=telegram_bot, kwargs={'token': config['telegram_bot_token'], 'camera_save_path': config['camera_save_path'], 'camera_capture_length': config['camera_capture_length'], 'camera_mode': config['camera_mode'],}) telegram_bot_thread.daemon = True telegram_bot_thread.start() monitor_alarm_state_thread = Thread(name='monitor_alarm_state', target=monitor_alarm_state, kwargs={'packet_timeout': config['packet_timeout'], 'network_address': config['network_address'], 'mac_addresses': config['mac_addresses']}) monitor_alarm_state_thread.daemon = True monitor_alarm_state_thread.start() capture_packets_thread = Thread(name='capture_packets', target=capture_packets, kwargs={'network_interface': config['network_interface'], 'network_interface_mac': config['network_interface_mac'], 'mac_addresses': config['mac_addresses']}) capture_packets_thread.daemon = True capture_packets_thread.start() process_photos_thread = Thread(name='process_photos', target=process_photos, kwargs={'network_address': config['network_address'], 'mac_addresses': config['mac_addresses']}) process_photos_thread.daemon = True process_photos_thread.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_clean) time.sleep(2) try: GPIO.setup(config['pir_pin'], GPIO.IN) GPIO.add_event_detect(config['pir_pin'], GPIO.RISING, callback=motion_detected)"rpi-security running") telegram_send_message('rpi-security running') while 1: time.sleep(100) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit_clean()
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