def has_property(propertyList, keyName): if not propertyList: return False for propertyItem in propertyList: if 'keyName' in propertyItem and propertyItem['keyName'] == keyName: return True return False def has_property_with_value(propertyList, keyName, dataValue): propertyItem = get_property(propertyList, keyName); if propertyItem and 'dataValue' in propertyItem and propertyItem['dataValue'] == dataValue: return True return False def get_property(propertyList, keyName): if not propertyList: return None for propertyItem in propertyList: if 'keyName' in propertyItem and propertyItem['keyName'] == keyName: return propertyItem return None def get_property_for_scenario(propertyList, keyName, scenarioName): if not propertyList: return None for propertyItem in propertyList: if 'keyName' in propertyItem and propertyItem['keyName'] == keyName: if 'scenarioName' in propertyItem and propertyItem['scenarioName'] == scenarioName: return propertyItem return None def _calc_tariff_comparison(tariffComparisonRequest): eligibilityProperties = ['isCARECustomer', 'isFERACustomer', 'hasElectricVehicle'] extraParams = {} for p in eligibilityProperties: if has_property_with_value(tariffComparisonRequest, p, True): # Include explicitly true. e.g. applicability=eq(isCARECustomer,true) if 'applicability' in extraParams: extraParams['applicability'].append("eq(%s,true)" % p) else: extraParams['applicability'] = ["eq(%s,true)" % p] else: # Include explicitly false or missing, e.g. filterByApplicability=true&applicabilityFilters[solarPvEligible]=false extraParams['filterByApplicability'] = True extraParams['applicabilityFilters[%s]' % p] = False print extraParams testPropertyList = [] print 'empty should be false %s' % has_property(testPropertyList, 'hello') print 'empty with value should be false %s' % has_property_with_value(testPropertyList, 'consumption', 120) testPropertyList.append({ 'keyName': 'consumption', 'dataValue': 100 }) print 'mismatch should be false %s' % has_property(testPropertyList, 'hello') print 'mismatch value should be false %s' % has_property_with_value(testPropertyList, 'hello', 'world') print 'match should be false %s' % has_property(testPropertyList, 'consumption') find = get_property(testPropertyList, 'consumption') print find testPropertyList.append({ 'keyName': 'masterTariffId', 'dataValue': 543, 'scenarioName': 'current' }) findS = get_property_for_scenario(testPropertyList, 'masterTariffId', 'current') print findS findN = get_property_for_scenario(testPropertyList, 'notInIt', 'current') print not findN print 'match value should be false %s' % has_property_with_value(testPropertyList, 'consumption', 120) print 'match value should be true %s' % has_property_with_value(testPropertyList, 'consumption', 100) _calc_tariff_comparison(testPropertyList) testPropertyList.append({ 'keyName': 'isFERACustomer', 'dataValue': True }) _calc_tariff_comparison(testPropertyList) testPropertyList.append({ 'keyName': 'hasElectricVehicle', 'dataValue': True }) _calc_tariff_comparison(testPropertyList)
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