print "CHAIN RULE / ADAM'S RULE CALCULATOR" import time time.sleep(2) print "For the polynomial function (yx^a + zx^b)^c..." print x = "x^" import time time.sleep(2) y = int(raw_input('Enter y: ')) print import time time.sleep(2) z = int(raw_input('Enter z: ')) print import time time.sleep(2) print "Time for the exponents!" print import time time.sleep(2) print "First, the exponent for the first value, or a" print import time time.sleep(2) a = int(raw_input('Enter a: ')) print import time time.sleep(2) print "Second, the exponent for the entire equation, or c!" print import time time.sleep(2) c = int(raw_input('Enter c: ')) print import time time.sleep(2) print "Does your equation have a x value after the z value?" print import time time.sleep(2) a_power = a - 1 c_power = c - 1 power_y = a * y b_yes_no = int(raw_input("If your equation does not have an x value after z, type 1. If a x value is present in your equation, type any other number. Your answer: ")) if b_yes_no == 1: derived_function = str(c) + "( " + str(power_y) + x + str(a_power) + " + " + str(z)+ " )" + "( " + str(y) + x + str(a) + " + " + str(z) + " )" + "^" + str(c_power) print import time time.sleep(2) print "The derivative of your polynomial function is " + derived_function print import time time.sleep(2) print "Would you like to plug in an x-value?" print import time time.sleep(1) plug_in = int(raw_input('Enter 1 for yes, and any other number for no: ')) if plug_in == 1: print import time time.sleep(1) x = int(raw_input("Enter x value: ")) derived_function_answer = int(c) * ( (int(power_y) * (int(x) ** int(a_power))) + int(z)) * (((int(y) * (int(x) ** int(a))) + int(z))) ** int(c_power) import time time.sleep(1) print print str(derived_function_answer) + " is the answer to your polynomial derivative!" print import time time.sleep(3) print "Have a marvelous day!" else: print import time time.sleep(3) print "Have a marvelous day!" else: print import time time.sleep(2) b = int(raw_input('Enter b: ')) b_power = b - 1 power_z = b * z derived_function = str(c) + "( " + str(power_y) + x + str(a_power) + " + " + str(power_z) + x + str(b_power) + " )" + "( " + str(y) + x + str(a) + " + " + str(z) + x + str(b) + " )" + "^" + str(c_power) print import time time.sleep(2) print "The derivative of your polynomial function is " + derived_function print import time time.sleep(2) print "Would you like to plug in an x-value?" print import time time.sleep(1) plug_in = int(raw_input('Enter 1 for yes, and any other number for no: ')) if plug_in == 1: print import time time.sleep(1) x = int(raw_input("Enter x value: ")) import time time.sleep(1) print derived_function_answer = int(c) * ( (int(power_y) * (int(x) ** int(a_power))) + (int(power_z) * (int(x) ** int(b_power)))) * (((int(y) * (int(x) ** int(a))) + int(z) * (int(x) ** int(b))) ** int(c_power)) print str(derived_function_answer) + " is the answer to your polynomial derivative!" print import time time.sleep(3) print "Have a marvelous day!" else: print import time time.sleep(3) print "Have a marvelous day!"
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