print def print_options(): print "Options:" print " 'p' print options" print " 'rectangle'" print " 'circle'" print " 'square'" print " 'q' quit the program" def hello(): print 'Hello!' def area(width, height): return width * height def area_cir(radius): return 3.14 * radius ** 2 def area_squ(side): return side ** 2 def print_welcome(name): print 'Welcome,', name name = raw_input('Your Name: ' + '\n') hello(), print_welcome(name) choice = "p" while choice != "q": if choice == "rectangle": print print 'To find the area of a rectangle,' print 'enter the width and height below.' print w = input('Width: ') while w <= 0: print 'Must be a positive number' w = input('Width: ') h = input('Height: ') while h <= 0: print 'Must be a positive number' h = input('Height: ') print 'Width =', w, 'Height =', h, 'so Area =', area(w, h) elif choice == "circle": print print 'To find the area of a circle,' print 'enter the radius below.' print r = input('Radius: ') while r <= 0: print 'Must be a positive number' r = input("Radius: ") print 'Radius =', r, 'so Area =', area_cir(r) elif choice == "square": print print 'To find the area of a square,' print 'enter the any side length below.' print s = input('Side length: ') while w <= 0: print 'Must be a positive number' s = input('Side length: ') print 'Side length =', s, 'so Area =', area_squ(s) elif choice != "p": print_options() choice = raw_input("What sort of shape would you like to find the area of? ") print "Goodbye!"
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