print "Chapter 7" print "" sprice = float(raw_input("What is your price? ")) if sprice == 10 or sprice < 10: eprice = sprice - (sprice/10.0) else: eprice = sprice - ((sprice/10.0)*2) print "$" + str(eprice) print "" g = raw_input("Are you a girl, or a boy? ") if g == "girl": a = int(raw_input("How old are you? ")) if a < 13 and a > 9: print "You can join the team" else: print "You can't join, because you are not 10 to 12 years old. Sorry." else: print "You have to be a girl to join. Sorry." print "" SOT = float(raw_input("What is the size of your tank? ")) PF = float(raw_input("Percent full? ")) KPL = float(raw_input("Km per liter? ")) km = ((SOT / 100)* PF) * KPL print "" print "You can go another " + str(km) + " km" print "The next gas station is 200 km away" if km < 200: print "Get gas now!" else: print "You can wait for the next station" print "" password = "password" epassword = raw_input("What is the password? ") if epassword == "password": print "You typed in the right password!" else: print "You got the wrong password" print "" print "Chapter 8" print "" mt = raw_input("Which multiplication table would you like? ") mt = int(mt) h = raw_input("How high do you want to go? ") h = int(h) + 1 print "Here's your table:" for i in range(1,h): print str(mt) + " * " + str(i) + " = " + str(mt * i) print "" print "Here's table #2:" i = 1 while i < 11: print str(mt) + " * " + str(i) + " = " + str(mt * i) i = i + 1
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