def main(): loops=0 maxentry=2 print('Select Conversion Type:') print('1 - Miles to kilometer') print('2 - Gallons to liters') print('3 - Pounds to kilograms') print('4 - Inches to centimeters') print('5 - Fahrenheit to Celsius') choice = float(input('Choose what value to convert:')) if (choice==1):return miles else: print('Invalid selection') miles=float(input('How many miles to convert? ')) while miles<0 and loops<maxentry: loops+=1 print('The value you have entered is invalid. You have', 3-loops, 'attempts left. Please try again: ') miles=float(input('How many miles to convert? ')) if loops==maxentry and miles<0: print('ERROR! Invalid entry after', maxentry+1, 'attempts.') else: milesToKm(miles) loops=0 #Farenheit F=float(input('How many degrees to convert? ')) while F>1000 and loops<maxentry: loops+=1 print('The value you have entered is invalid. You have', 3-loops, 'attempts left. Please try again: ') F=float(input('How many degrees to convert? ')) if loops==maxentry and F >= 1000: print('ERROR! Invalid entry after', maxentry+1, 'attempts.') else: FahToCel(F) loops=0 #gallons gallon=float(input('How many gallons to convert? ')) while gallon<0 and loops<maxentry: loops+=1 print('The value you have entered is invalid. You have', 3-loops, 'attempts left. Please try again: ') gallon=float(input('How many gallons to convert? ')) if loops==maxentry and gallon < 0: print('ERROR! Invalid entry after', maxentry+1, 'attempts.') else: GalToLit(gallon) loops=0 #pounds pound=float(input('How many pounds to convert? ')) while pound<0 and loops<maxentry: loops+=1 print('The value you have entered is invalid. You have', 3-loops, 'attempts left. Please try again: ') pound=float(input('How many pounds to convert? ')) if loops==maxentry and pound < 0: print('ERROR! Invalid entry after', maxentry+1, 'attempts.') else: PoundsToKg(pound) loops=0 #inches inch=float(input('How many inches to convert? ')) while inch<0 and loops<maxentry: loops+=1 print('The value you have entered is invalid. You have', 3-loops, 'attempts left. Please try again: ') inch=float(input('How many inches to convert? ')) if loops==maxentry and inch < 0: print('ERROR! Invalid entry after', maxentry+1, 'attempts.') else: InchesToCm(inch) loops=0 def milesToKm(miles): loops=0 kilo=miles*1.6 print('That is',format(kilo), 'kilometers.') def FahToCel(F): loops=0 C=(F-32)*(5/9) print('That is',format(C), 'Celsius.') def GalToLit(gallon): loops=0 liter=gallon*3.9 print('That is',format(liter), 'liters.') def PoundsToKg(pound): loops=0 kgram=pound*.45 print('That is',format(kgram), 'kilograms.') def InchesToCm(inch): loops=0 cmeter=inch*2.54 print('That is',format(cmeter), 'centimeters.') main()
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