import math """Function directory: 1. friction_loss 2. minor_loss 3. flow_velocity 4. area_of_circle 5. weir_sharp_crast 6. spillWay 7. critical_depth_rectanglar 8. weir_v_notch 9. critical_depth_circular """ def friction_loss(Q_gpm, D_diameter_in, L_length_ft, C_friction_loss_factor): """Function that calculates circular pipe friction headloss based on the Hazen-William equation. 7/25/2013 created by t. wang""" # Q_gpm = flow (gpm) # D_diameter_in = pipe diameter (in) # L_lenth_ft = pipe length (ft) # C_friction_loss_factor = Hazen-William C factor H = 10.452 * L_length_ft * (Q_gpm ** 1.85) / (C_friction_loss_factor ** 1.85) / (D_diameter_in ** 4.87) return H def minor_loss(Q_gpm, D_diameter, K_minor_loss_factor): """Function that calculates circular pipe minor headloss 7/25/2013 created by t. wang""" # Q_gpm = flow (gpm) # D_diameter (in) # K_minor_loss_factor = pipe fitting coefficients h = K_minor_loss_factor * (Q_gpm / 448.8 / (math.pi * (D_diameter / 12.0) ** 2.0 / 4)) ** 2 / (2 * 32.2) return h def area_of_circle(d): """Function that defines an area of a circle""" # d = diameter in inch # A = area in squire feet d = d/12.0 a = d**2 * float(math.pi/4) return a def flow_velocity(Q,D): """Function that calculate flow velocity in circular pipe""" # D = diameter (in) # Q = flow (gpm) A = area_of_circle(D) Q = Q / 448.8 V = Q / A return V def weir_sharp_crast(Q, L, Cw): """ Sharp crest weir calculation""" # Q = flow (gpm) # L = width of weir (feet) # Cw = weir conefficient h = (q / (L * Cw)) ** (2.0 / 3.0) return h def spillWay(CD, L, S): """Spill way water depth calculation""" # CD = critical depth (feet) # L = spill way length (feet) # S = slope h = (2 * CD ** 2 + (CD - S * float(L / 3)) ** 2) ** 0.5 - 2 * S * float(L / 3) return h def critical_depth_rectanglar(Q, W): """Critical depth calculation for rectangular channel""" # Q = flow (gpm) # W = width of channel (feet) h = ((Q / 448.83118) ** 2 / (32.2 * W ** 2)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) return h def weir_v_notch(Q, number_of_notch, Cw): """V-notch weir head loss calculation""" # Q = flow (gpm) # Cw = weir conefficient h = (Q / 448.83118 / (number_of_notch * Cw)) ** (2.0 / 5.0) return h def critical_depth_circular(Q, D): """Critical depth calculation for circular channel""" # Q = flow in (gpm) # D = diameter (in) h = (1.01 / (float(D / 12.0)) ** 0.26) * ((Q / 448.83118) ** 2 / (2.0 * 32.2)) ** 0.25 return h #import Hydraulics #import unit_conversion # function call from the module "Hydraulics": Q = float(raw_input('Flow ')) d = float(raw_input('Diameter ')) L = 11000 C = 140 K = 2.5 print ' = %d' %Q, '(gpm),', 6*' ', print 'Diameter = %d' %d, '(in),',6*' ', print 'Length = %d' %L, '(ft),', 6*' ', print 'C-Factor = %d' %C,',', 6*' ', print 'K-Factor = %.2f' %K print 180*'-' # function call from the module "Hydraulics": h = friction_loss(Q, d, L, C) h1 = minor_loss(Q, d, K) v = flow_velocity(Q,d) print'The friction loss is %.2f' %h, '(ft),',6*' ', print'The minor loss is %.2f' %h1, '(ft),',6*' ', print'The flow velocity is %.2f' %v, '(ft/s),',6*' ', P = 5.0 #f = unit_conversion.psi_to_feet(P) #print('The pressure head is %.2f' %f, 'feet, or %.2f' %P, '(psi)') f1 = critical_depth_circular(Q, d) print'critical_depth of pipe = %.2f' %f1, '(ft)'
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