# The user is going to start the App by dragging a file icon # for a preprocessed csv file onto the Application/Program icon. # load_file() # There will be a call here to a load_file function but this # visualizer does not work with csv or GUIs like tkinter.The # call to load_file and the csv.reader or csv.DictReader loop # will be simulated by assigning a value for the number of rows # in the csv file to record_reference_gen(n). record_reference_gen(5) # there are 5 records or rows/lines #def load_csv_file(): # num_recordlines = 0 # try: #add error catching code # with open('/path/to/file/test.csv') as csv_file: # reader = csv.Dictreader(csv_file, delimiter=',') # for row in reader: # num_recordlines +=1 # firstname = row['firstname'] # lastname = row['lastname'] # address = row['address'] ### Problem 1 #The csv file loaded in has only three fields of data being #extracted for preview in a table with more than three #fields/columns. #Let's say the preview table has five(5) columns. #The csv file does not have field 3 (col_name = field3) and #field 4 (col_name = field4) or data for those #fields.These fields/columns have been created for the preview #table but their data/content needs to be created and added to #each row/line of data loaded in. # # Option 1 # Add the data for field3 and field4 within the csv.DictReader #loop or the csv.reader loop followed immediately after by the #table insertion code within the same loop. # #for row in reader: # num_recordlines +=1 # firstname = row['firstname'] # lastname = row['lastname'] # address = row['address'] # field3 = 'a comment': minor problem if 'static' # field4 = record_id #trouble: record_id not defined # tree.insert(", 0, values=(firstname, lastname, address, field3, field4)) # The content for field 3 and field 4 is assigned to the field #names.Let csv.DictReader add the data to each dictionary #created by csv.DictReader for each row/line read in by #csv.DictReader. # This works ok for field 3 if the data is static and can be #hardcoded. # There might be an entry get/set complication if field 3 must #be editable. For convenience, it will be assumed to be #'static'and hardcoded as the string, 'some comment # #Field 4 is the major problem because it needs to be created #and then added to the dictionary for each row. ### Problem 1 #The csv file loaded in has only three fields of data being #extracted for preview in a table with more than three #fields/columns. #Let's say the preview table has five(5) columns. #The csv file does not have field 3 (col_name = field3) and #field 4 (col_name = field4) or data for those #fields.These fields/columns have been created for the preview #table but their data/content needs to be created and added to #each row/line of data loaded in. # # Option 1 # Add the data for field3 and field4 within the csv.DictReader #loop or the csv.reader loop followed immediately after by the #table insertion code within the same loop. # #for row in reader: # num_recordlines +=1 # firstname = row['firstname'] # lastname = row['lastname'] # address = row['address'] # field3 = 'a comment': minor problem if 'static' # field4 = record_id #trouble: record_id not defined # tree.insert(", 0, values=(firstname, lastname, address, field3, field4)) # The content for field 3 and field 4 is assigned to the field #names.Let csv.DictReader add the data to each dictionary #created by csv.DictReader for each row/line read in by #csv.DictReader. # This works ok for field 3 if the data is static and can be #hardcoded. # There might be an entry get/set complication if field 3 must #be editable. For convenience, it will be assumed to be #'static'and hardcoded as the string, 'some comment # #Field 4 is the major problem because it needs to be created #and then added to the dictionary for each row. ### Problem 1 #The csv file loaded in has only three fields of data being #extracted for preview in a table with more than three #fields/columns. #Let's say the preview table has five(5) columns. #The csv file does not have field 3 (col_name = field3) and #field 4 (col_name = field4) or data for those #fields.These fields/columns have been created for the preview #table but their data/content needs to be created and added to #each row/line of data loaded in. # # Option 1 # Add the data for field3 and field4 within the csv.DictReader #loop or the csv.reader loop followed immediately after by the #table insertion code within the same loop. # #for row in reader: # num_recordlines +=1 # firstname = row['firstname'] # lastname = row['lastname'] # address = row['address'] # field3 = 'a comment': minor problem if 'static' # field4 = record_id #trouble: record_id not defined # tree.insert(", 0, values=(firstname, lastname, address, field3, field4)) # The content for field 3 and field 4 is assigned to the field #names. Let csv.DictReader add the data to each dictionary #created by csv.DictReader for each row/line read in by #csv.DictReader. # This works ok for field 3 if the data is static and can be #hardcoded. # There might be an entry get/set complication if field 3 must #be editable. For convenience, it will assumed to be 'static' #and hardcoded as the string, 'some comment'. #Field 4 is the major problem because it needs to be created #and then added to the dictionary for each row. # #I am not sure it is a good idea to interrupt the reader with #an inner loop, a call to a function or a call to a generator #function. # # Option 1a: Add inner loop to reader loop(procedural amateur) #for row in reader: # num_recordlines +=1 # firstname = row['firstname'] # lastname = row['lastname'] # address = row['address'] # ADD LOOP TO CREATE Record ID #for i in range(num_recordlines): # record_num = int(start_num + i) # record_str = str(record_num) # new_record = record_str.zfill(3) # record_id = 'XLT' + new_record # record_ids.append(record_id) # ref_dict[i] = record_id # print(record_id) # print("Every record has a reference label.") # yield record_id ## for record in record_ids: # print("Record ID: {}".format(record)) # print("ALL DONE!") # ref_dict[i] = record_id # for k,v in ref_dict.items(): # print(k,v) # field3 = 'a comment': minor problem if 'static' # field4 = record_id #trouble: record_id not defined # tree.insert(", 0, values=(firstname, lastname, address, field3, field4)) # # # # Option 2 # Load the csv data into a csv.DictReader() list that holds a #list of dictionaries and # # ### Here is the second problem: #When the loop for creating the record_ids is placed in the #csv.DictReader loop, the last record ID is being inserted on #the first line and the order is reversed for all records/lines. #The first record_id appears on the last line. # Is this due to not using an ordered dictionary? # Is it some kind of stack-based insertion with LIFO or FILO? ### Problem 1 #The csv file loaded in has only #three fields of data being extracted for preview in a table #with more than three fields/columns.Let's say five(5) columns. #The csv file does not have field3 and field4 or data for those #fields.These fields/columns have been created for the preview #table but their data/content needs to be created and added to #each dictionary created by csv.DictReader for each row/line #read in by csv.DictReader. # # # field3 = 'a comment' # # field4 = record_id #tree.insert(", 0, values=(firstname, lastname, address, field3, field4)) ### Here is the second problem: #When the loop for creating the record_ids is placed in the #csv.DictReader loop, the last record ID is being inserted on #the first line and the order is reversed for all records/lines. #The first record_id appears on the last line. # Is this due to not using an ordered dictionary? # Is it some kind of stack-based insertion with LIFO or FILO? def record_reference_gen(number): '''This function creates a record reference string that is ordered sequentially for each record. E.g. The record reference string for the first record is: 'XLT001'. The record reference string for the second record is: 'XLT002'. ''' num_recordlines = number firstnames = [] lastnames = [] addresses = [] record_ids = [] field3_data = [] field4_data = [] all_fields_aggregate =[] start_num = 101 record_ids = [] ref_dict = collections.OrderedDict() ref_dict = {} # number = number + 5 # print("Number + 5 = {}".format(number)) for i in range(num_recordlines): record_num = int(start_num + i) record_str = str(record_num) new_record = record_str.zfill(3) record_id = 'XLT' + new_record record_ids.append(record_id) # ref_dict[i] = record_id print(record_id) print("Every record has a reference label.") # yield record_id for record in record_ids: print("Record ID: {}".format(record)) print("ALL DONE!") # ref_dict[i] = record_id # for k,v in ref_dict.items(): # print(k,v) def math_calculations(): print("Welcome to the New World!") a = 7 if a < 8: print("a is less than 8") b = 6 z = type(a) eighter = 100 player = 50 print(z) print("type(a): {}".format(z)) print("a: {} b: {}".format(a,b)) return a,b if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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