import time time_delay = 1 print("It is the Tuesday of Finals week. You hear your 9:45 alarm go off and sleepily hit snooze.") time.sleep(time_delay) print('But wait a minute! Today is the day of your final, and you have overslept! You have to make it to Broad Art Center before your exam at 10 AM.') time.sleep(time_delay) print('You must make the right decisions at the right times in order to get to and succeed at your exam.') name = input("What is your name? ") time.sleep(time_delay) while True: start = input(f"Ready to play, {name}? (Yes/No)") if start in ['Yes', 'yes', ' Yes', ' yes']: print("Great! Let's play.") while True: setting1 = input('Pre-exam breakfast, or straight out the door? (Breakfast/No Breakfast) ') if setting1 in ["Breakfast", "breakfast", " breakfast", " Breakfast"]: print("Good job! You're fueled up and headed out the door. But it's 9:50, and the clock is ticking...") time.sleep(time_delay) while True: first_choice1 = input("Do you take a Bird or walk? (Bird/Walk) ") if first_choice1 in ["Bird", "bird"]: print("You chose a Bird and head straight down Le Conte. But you spot a commotion up ahead...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("At the corner of Westwood and Le Conte, Chik-fil-a appears to be having some kind of celebration.") print("Hordes of hungry students are blocking the roads, clamoring for a chicken sandwich!") while True: chicken1 = input("Do you attempt to weave through the crowds, or do you walk? (Weave/walk) ") if chicken1 in ["Weave", "weave"]: print("As you weave through the crowds, you are forced to slow to a crawl.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("A crazed older man, thirsting for chicken, runs across your path.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Time seems to slow as you plow into the chicken fiend, sending both him and yourself crashing to the ground.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As he lies on the ground wailing for a chicken sandwich, you wonder if you should comfort him.") time.sleep(time_delay) while True: comfort = input('What do you do? (Comfort/Leave) ') while comfort == "Comfort" or comfort == "comfort": print("You sit on the ground with him and pat him awkwardly on the back. Slowly, he stops crying.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As the crowds dissipate, the older man looks around at you. In the background, you hear the clock chime. Shit! You've missed your exam.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Hey, young'un. I appreciate you staying here with me, but don't you have a final to get to?") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You sigh and tell him that you have now missed your final. He straightens up, brushes off his shirt, and shakes your hand.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("'Well,' he begins, 'you may not recognize me, but I go by Block. Gene Block.' Awed, you take a step back and kneel on the ground.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("'As a thank-you, I will give you an automatic A on your final.' He smiles indulgently.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("'Daddy Block, sir, are you even allowed to do that?'") time.sleep(time_delay) print("'I do whatever I want.'") print(f"You have won, {name}. Congratulations!") exit() if comfort == "Leave" or comfort == "leave": print("You hurry away from the scene, determined to make your exam.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Suddenly, you hear a siren in the distance. You know it is for you. After all, you've just run over Gene Block.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You are arrested for a hit and run. You do not make your exam.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Better luck next time.") exit() else: print("That wasn't an option.") elif chicken1 == "Walk" or chicken1 == "walk": print("You put aside your scooter and continue pushing past the crowds.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you walk quickly past the hospital, you have a growing sense of unease.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You seem to have forgotten something vital for your test.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Your formula sheet! One notecard, front and back, with all of your notes. It's been left in the library you were studying in!") while True: formula_sheet = input("Do you go back to the library to retrieve it, or head straight to the test? (Library/Test) ") while formula_sheet == "Library" or formula_sheet == "library": print("You hurry up the hill towards Powell Library. You can feel your watch ticking down the time until your exam starts.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You pick up the pace and rush into the library to retrieve your notecard.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("It's right on the table where you left it.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you leave the library, you realize you have two minutes to go until your exam!") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You all-out sprint towards Broad Art Center. You burst into the room just as the clock strikes 10.") time.sleep(time_delay) print(f"You made it! You're on time AND you've got the notecard. Congratulations, {name}!") exit() while formula_sheet == "Test" or formula_sheet == "test": print("You decide to leave the note card in the library. You haven't got the time to get it.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you hurry towards Broad Art Center, you try and recall the formulas that were written on the sheet...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Some of them seem to be slipping out of your mind.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You get to the exam with three minutes to spare. What a relief!") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Two weeks later, you get your exam results.") time.sleep(time_delay) print(f"Uh oh. You failed because you forgot everything that was on your notecard. Better luck next time, {name}.") exit() else: print("That wasn't one of the answer choices. Try again!") else: print("Not an answer choice! Try again!") while first_choice1 == "Walk" or first_choice1 == "walk": print("You'd better hurry! Walking takes a while...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you scramble to your final, you hear the bells begin to toll. Ding... Ding... Ding...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("It is 10 o'clock, and you are not making it to your final. Better luck next time.") exit() else: print("Try again. You only have two options.") if setting1 in ["No Breakfast", "No breakfast", "no breakfast"]: print('You gotta do what you gotta do. You have saved some time, but better hurry!') time.sleep(time_delay) while True: first_choice2 = input("Do you take a Bird or walk? (Bird/Walk) ") if first_choice2 == "Bird" or first_choice2 == "bird": print("Good choice! Walking would be slow.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you leave your apartment, you hear a commotion up ahead and decide it's best to avoid it.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Instead, you head down Strathmore and onto Bruin Walk.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you arrive in Bruin Plaza, the crowds of people force you to end your Bird ride.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("But oh no! Someone is coming your way!") time.sleep(time_delay) print("'HEY, BIG MAN! LEMME ASK YOU A QUESTION!'") time.sleep(time_delay) print("It's Andre! And he wants to ask you a question!") while True: andre = input("What do you say to him? (No thanks/Sure/Fuck off)") while andre == "No thanks": print("Andre looks disappointed, but he moves on to the next person.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you pass the UCLA store, you feel a growing sense of unease.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You seem to have forgotten something vital for your test.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Your formula sheet! One notecard, front and back, with all of your notes. It's been left in the library you were studying in!") formula_sheet = input("Do you go back to the library to retrieve it, or head straight to the test? (Library/Test) ") while True: while formula_sheet == "Library" or formula_sheet == "library": print("You hurry up the hill towards Powell Library. You can feel your watch ticking down the time until your exam starts.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You pick up the pace and rush into the library to retrieve your notecard.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("It's right on the table where you left it.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you leave the library, you realize you have two minutes to go until your exam!") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You all-out sprint towards Broad Art Center. You burst into the room just as the clock strikes 10.") time.sleep(time_delay) print(f"You made it! You're on time AND you've got the notecard. Congratulations,{name}") exit() while formula_sheet == "Test" or formula_sheet == "test": print("You decide to leave the note card in the library. You haven't got the time to get it.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you hurry towards Broad Art Center, you try and recall the formulas that were written on the sheet...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Some of them seem to be slipping out of your mind.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You get to the exam with three minutes to spare. What a relief!") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Two weeks later, you get your exam results.") time.sleep(time_delay) print(f"Uh oh. You failed because you forgot everything that was on your notecard. Better luck next time,{name}") exit() else: print("That wasn't one of the answer choices. Better luck next time.") if andre == "Sure": print("You quickly realize that was a mistake.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("Somehow, Andre gets you to pay him $100 and buy him a burger at In-N-Out.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("By the time that's over, it's noon and you've missed your test.") exit() if andre == "Fuck off": print("Andre starts to look sad. He bursts into tears on Bruin Walk and you try to comfort him.") time.sleep(time_delay) print("'You know', he sniffles, 'that wasn't a kind thing to say.'") time.sleep(time_delay) print("You miss your test.") exit() else: print("That wasn't one of the options. Try again.") elif first_choice2 in ["Walk", "walk"]: print("You'd better hurry! Walking takes a while...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("As you scramble to your final, you hear the bells begin to toll. Ding... Ding... Ding...") time.sleep(time_delay) print("It is 10 o'clock, and you are not making it to your final. Better luck next time.") exit() else: print("Try again. You only have two options.") else: print("That wasn't one of the options.") if start in ["No","no"]: print("Whenever you're ready, then!") exit() else: print("That wasn't an answer choice.")
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