# Credit goes to Websten from forums # # Use Dave's suggestions to finish your daysBetweenDates # procedure. It will need to take into account leap years # in addition to the correct number of days in each month. def is_leap_year(year): if year%4 != 0: return False elif year%100 != 0: return True elif year%400 != 0: return False else: return True def days_in_month(month, year): month_lengths = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 31, 31] return 29 if month == 2 and is_leap_year(year) else month_lengths[month] def nextDay(year, month, day): day = day + 1 if day < days_in_month(month, year) else 1 if day == 1: if month == 12: month = 1 else: month = month + 1 year = year + 1 if month == 1 and day == 1 else year return (year, month, day) def daysBetweenDates(year1, month1, day1, year2, month2, day2): """Returns the number of days between year1/month1/day1 and year2/month2/day2. Assumes inputs are valid dates in Gregorian calendar, and the first date is not after the second.""" # YOUR CODE HERE! days = 0 tempYear = year1 tempMonth = month1 tempDay = day1 while (tempYear, tempMonth, tempDay) != (year2, month2, day2): (tempYear, tempMonth, tempDay) = nextDay(tempYear, tempMonth, tempDay) days = days + 1 return days def test(): test_cases = [ ((2012,2,1,2012,2,1), 0), ((2012,2,1,2012,2,2), 1), ((2012,2,1,2012,2,28), 27), ((2012,2,1,2012,2,29), 28), ((2012,2,1,2012,3,1), 29), ((2011,2,1,2011,2,1), 0), ((2011,2,1,2011,2,2), 1), ((2011,2,1,2011,2,28), 27), ((2011,2,1,2011,3,1), 28), ] for (args, answer) in test_cases: result = daysBetweenDates(*args) if result != answer: print "Test with data:", args, "failed" else: print "Test case passed!" test()
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