import math #Data Conversion #Make the following code work by either 1) completing the tasks #in the comments 2) removing the underscores with your own code #3) answering the questions in the comments. #Copy and Paste the entire code into a word document #or submit the .py files to Canvas when you are finished. # Create a variable on line 12 that holds the number 2.867. # What data type does the variable have? Answer: _____ = 2.867 # Create a variable that holds the value 2.986 in line 15 # create a variable to hold the sum of your first 2 variables on line 19 # Why can you not use the word sum for your variable name? Answer: # use the the int function on your first variable on line 25 and the second variable on line 26 # Remember programming works right to left so whatever is performed on the right side is stored on the left # What does the int funciton do? Answer: # Why are these types of functions important? Answer: _____ = int(_____) _____ = int(_____) # Use the ceiling function on your variable from line 19 (that holds your sum) on line 30 # What does the ceiling function do? Answer: ________ = math.ceil(_______) # Fill in the following print statements with your variables print(____) print(____) print(____)
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