#crusader EP and gear bushwhackerstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] jimstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] emostats = [200, "e", "r", "r"] sashastats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] hermitstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] kainestats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] princessstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] nataliestats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] jasonstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] artaxesstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] khouristats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] gryphonstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] sarahstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] pandastats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] salstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] phoenixstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] kingstats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] thaliastats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] mercistats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] natestats = [200, "e", "e", "e"] #tag lists maletag = ["Broot", "Detective Kaine", "Mister the Monkey", "Larry the Leprechaun", "Jack O'Lantern", "President Billy Smithsonian", "Jason, Master of Shadows", "Pete the Carney", "Paul the Pilgrim", "Bubba, the Swimming Orc", "RoboSanta", "Leerion, the Royal Dwarf", "Mr. Boggins, the Substitute", "Grayskull the Pirate", "The Bush Whacker", "RoboRabbit", "Graham the Driver", "Jim the Lumberjack", "Emo Werewolf", "Groklok the Orc", "The Washed Up Hermit", "Kyle the Party-Bro", "Serpent King Draco", "Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul", "RoboTurkey", "Artaxes, the Lion", "Khouri, the Witch Doctor", "Brogon, Prince of Dragons", "Rocky, the Rockstar", "Montana James", "Prince Sal, the Merman", "Robbie Raccoon", "Alan, the ArchAngel", "King Reginald IV", "Thalia, the Thunder King", "Frosty the Snowman", "Merci, the Mad Wizard", "The Bat Billionaire", "Nate Dragon", "The Exterminator", "Eiralon, the Blood Mage", "Robo-Rudolph", "Bernard the Bartender"] femaletag = ["Broot", "Natalie Dragon", "Gold Panda", "Queen Siri", "Pilot Pam", "Veronica, the Android Archer", "Sally the Succubus", "Karen, the Cat Teenager", "Sasha the Fierce Warrior", "Mindy the Mime", "The Princess", "Ranger Rayna", "Drizzle the Dark Elf", "Momma Kaine", "Half-Blood Elf", "Dark Gryphon", "Sarah, the Collector", "The Metal Soldierette", "Wendy the Witch", "Fire Phoenix", "Fright-o-Tron 4000", "Littlefoot", "Petra the Pilgrim", "Kizlblyp the Alien Traitor", "Gloria, the Good Witch", "Shadow Queen", "Ilsa, the Insane Wizard", "Priestess of Time", "The Dark Helper", "Princess Val the Mermaid"] humantag = [] animaltag = [] robottag = ["RoboSanta", "RoboRabbit", "RoboTurkey", "The Exterminator", "Veronica, the Android Archer", "The Metal Soldierette", "Fright-o-tron 4000", "Robo-Rudolph"] elftag = ["Half-Blood Elf", "Veronica, the Android Archer", "Paul the Pilgrim", "Eiralon, the Blood Mage", "Drizzle the Dark Elf", "Petra the Pilgrim", "The Dark Helper"] orctag = ["Bubba, the Swimming Orc", "Groklok the Orc", "Half-Blood Elf"] alientag = ["Kizlblyp the Alien Traitor"] angeltag = ["Priestess of Time", "Alan the ArchAngel] demontag = ["Sally the Succubus"] dragontag = ["Brogon, Prince of Dragons"] dwarftag = ["Leerion, the Royal Dwarf"] leprechauntag = ["Larry the Leprechaun", "Mr. Boggins, the Substitute"] dpstag = [] goldtag = [] supporttag = [] healtag = [] tanktag = [] clickertag = [] royaltag = [] supernaturaltag = [] magicaltag = [] eventtag = [] print(sarahstats)
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