#!/usr/user/local/bin/python2.7 import os from scipy.interpolate import griddata from numpy import genfromtxt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import mapping, Polygon, LineString, MultiLineString import fiona path = os.getcwd() my_data = genfromtxt( path + '/WaterTable.csv', delimiter=',') z = my_data[1:,2:3] x = my_data[1:,0] y = my_data[1:,1] xmax = max(x) xmin = min(x) ymax = max(y) ymin = min(y) xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 70) yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 70) # grid the data. zi = griddata((x, y), z.ravel(), (xi[None,:], yi[:,None]), method='cubic') print(zi) print(zi.shape) print(xi.shape) print(yi.shape) # contour the gridded data cs = plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,20) #,linewidths=2,colors='k') #cs = plt.contourf(xi,yi,zi,20) #,cmap=plt.cm.jet) plt.colorbar() # draw colorbar # plot data points. plt.scatter(x,y,marker='o',c='b',s=5) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) #plt.title('griddata test (%d points)') # % npts) plt.show() #def get_contour_verts(cn): # contours = [] # # for each contour line # for cc in cs.collections: # paths = [] # # for each separate section of the contour line # for pp in cc.get_paths(): # xy = [] # # for each segment of that section # for vv in pp.iter_segments(): # xy.append(vv[0]) # paths.append(np.vstack(xy)) # contours.append(paths) # return contours lenvar = (len(cs.collections)) #number of contours print(lenvar) print(cs.collections) lines = [] # Empty list for contour sections for i in range(lenvar): n = i p = cs.collections[i].get_paths()[0] v = p.vertices # getting the individual verticies as a numpy.ndarray x = v[:,0] #takes first column y = v[:,1] #takes second column line = LineString([(i[0], i[1]) for i in zip(x,y)]) #Defines Linestring #varnam = ("contour_%d" %n) lines.append(line) #appends to list schema = {'geometry': 'LineString','properties': {'id': 'int'}} # sets up parameter for shapefile with fiona.open('ConShp.shp', 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema) as c: # creates new file to be written to for j in range(len(lines)): l = (lines[j]) # creates variable print(l) print(type(l)) c.write({'geometry': mapping(l),'properties': {'id': j},})
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