#This is the hard coded array that the program will use. We assign the array to variable a. a = [2, 4, 3, 10, 33] #We will now add up all the numbers in the array and divide by the amount of numbers that are in the array and assign to variable b. b = sum(a)/len(a) #We print the average number of the array. print ("The average of the array is: %s" % b) #We now find what number is 20% more than the average in the array and assign to variable c. c = (b*.20) + b #We print this number. print ("The average of the array plus 20 percent is: %s" % c) #We create an empty array and call it y. This array will be used to hold all numbers greater than c. y = [] #Loop trhough array a and assign to variable x. for x in a: #If x is greater than c. if x > c: #If the above is true, add to the array y. y.append(x) #Print the numbers that are in array y. print ("The numbers in the array greater than the average plus 20 percent are: %s" % y)
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