#Josh Roybal #CIS 122 #Chapter 4, Programming Exercise #7 quantity = 0 total = 0 price = 99 discountTotal = 0 discountOne = 0.8 #20% off discountTwo = 0.7 #30% off discountThree = 0.6 #40% off discountFour = 0.5 #50% off quantity = input("Please enter the number of packages purchased: ") print("\n") if quantity < 10: total = quantity * price discountTotal = quantity * price - total print 'The price for', quantity, 'items is $', total, '\n' print 'You saved $', discountTotal, ', purchase 10 or more for a discount!' elif quantity >= 10 and quantity < 20: total = quantity * price * discountOne discountTotal = quantity * price - total print 'The price for', quantity, 'items is $', total, '\n' print 'You saved $', discountTotal, ', a total of 20% off!' elif quantity >= 20 and quantity < 50: total = quantity * price * discountTwo discountTotal = quantity * price - total print 'The price for', quantity, 'items is $', total, '\n' print 'You saved $', discountTotal, ', a total of 30% off!' elif quantity >= 50 and quantity < 100: total = quantity * price * discountThree discountTotal = quantity * price - total print 'The price for', quantity, 'items is $', total, '\n' print 'You saved $', discountTotal, ', a total of 40% off!' else: total = quantity * price * discountFour discountTotal = quantity * price - total print 'The price for', quantity, 'items is $', total, '\n' print 'You saved $', discountTotal, ', a total of 50% off!'
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