import time # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(variables) access=True if access==True: info=( ">>>========================\n" " Commands: \n" ">info \n" ">buy \n" ">stats \n" ">rebirth \n" ">money \n" "=========================== " ) shop=( ">>>========================\n" " Shop \n" "Lemon stand \n" "Price: $20 \n" "$1 per click \n" "Command: >lemon stand \n" " \n" "resturant \n" "Price: $2,000 \n" "$100 per click \n" "Command: >resturant \n" " \n" "Oil Rig \n" "Price :$1,000,000 \n" "$10,000 per click \n" "Command: >oil rig \n" " \n" "Asteriod Miner \n" "Price: $1,000,000,000,000 \n" "$1,000,000,000 per click \n" "Command: >miner \n" " \n" "Space Station \n" "Price: $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000\n" "$1,000,000,000,000,000 per click\n" "Command: >SS \n" " \n" "??? \n" "??? \n" "??? \n" "=========================== " ) lemoncash=1 lemon=1 resturantcash=0 resturant=0 oilcash=0 oil=0 asteroidcash=0 asteroid=0 spacecash=0 space=0 rebirth=0 cash=0 stat1=(">>>=========================\n production\nLemons=$",lemoncash,"\n") stat2=("Resturants=$",resturantcash,"\n") stat3=("Oil rigs=$",oilcash,"\n") stat4=("Asteroid miners=$",asteroidcash,"\n") stat5=("Space station=$",spacecash,"\n") stat6=("============================") stats=(stat1,stat2,stat3,stat4,stat5,stat6) print(">>>========================\n Welcome to Centurion.\n===========================") print(">>>========================\n Game Started\nCommands:\n>info\n>stats\n>rebirth (im working on it)\n>buy\n> <--(to earn money)\n===========================\nYou have one lemon*") choice1loop=True # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(choice) while choice1loop==True: choice1=input(">") if choice1=="": cash+=lemoncash cash+=resturantcash cash+=oilcash cash+=asteroidcash cash+=spacecash print(">$",cash) if choice1=="money": print("$",cash) if choice1=="info": print(info) if choice1=="stats": print(stats) if choice1=="rebirth": if cash>=1000000000000000000000000: rebirth+=1 cash=0 if rebirth==1: print("Congrats,",un,"! It's your first rebirth=",rebirth) if rebirth>1: print("Rebirths=",rebirth) if cash<=1000000000000000000000000: print("You must have at lease 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to perform this action") if choice1=="buy"or choice1=="shop": print(shop) shoploop=True while shoploop==True: choice2=str(input(":")) choice2=choice2.casefold() # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(lemon) if choice2=="lemonstand"or choice2=="lemon stand"or choice2=="lemon"or choice2=="stand"or choice2=="1": price=20 multiplier=1 if cash<=price: print("Not enough money you need $",ammount3,"more to buy one (Hold \"Enter\" to make some).") break if cash>=price: print("How many") print("**MAKE SURE ITS A NUMBER**") ammount=input("Ammount:") if ammount=="": print("You have to write a number!") break ammount=int(ammount) if ammount<0: print("The ammount cannot be under 0") break x=True while x==True: required=ammount*price ammount4=(required-cash) if cash<required: if ammount==1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"lemon stand ($",ammount4,")") if lemon==1: print("you currently have",lemon,"lemon stand") if lemon>1: print("you currently have",lemon,"lemon stands") if ammount>1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"lemon stands ($",ammount4,")") if lemon==1: print("you currently have",lemon,"lemon stand") if lemon>1: print("you currently have",lemon,"lemon stands") ammount=int(cash/price) if cash>=required: cash-=required lemoncash+=ammount*multiplier lemon+=ammount if lemon==1: print("You have bought",ammount,"lemon stand") print("You now have",lemon,"lemon stand") if lemon>1: print("You have bought",ammount,"lemon stands") print("You now have",lemon,"lemon stands") break # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(resturant) if choice2=="resturant"or choice2=="2": price=2000 multiplier=100 if cash<=price: print("Not enough money you need $",ammount3,"more to buy one (Hold \"Enter\" to make some).") break if cash>=price: print("How many") print("**MAKE SURE ITS A NUMBER**") ammount=input("Ammount:") if ammount=="": print("You have to write a number!") break ammount=int(ammount) if ammount<0: print("The ammount cannot be under 0") break x=True while x==True: required=ammount*price ammount4=(required-cash) if cash<required: if ammount==1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"resturant ($",ammount4,")") if resturant==1: print("you currently have",resturant,"resturant") if resturant>1: print("you currently have",resturant,"resturants") if ammount>1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"resturants($",ammount4,")") if resturant==1: print("you currently have",resturant,"resturant") if resturant>1: print("you currently have",resturant,"resturants") ammount=int(cash/price) if cash>=required: cash-=required resturantcash+=ammount*multiplier resturant+=ammount if resturant==1: print("You have bought",ammount,"resturant") print("You now have",resturant,"resturant") if resturant>1: print("You have bought",ammount,"resturants") print("You now have",resturant,"resturants") break # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(oil) if choice2=="oilrig"or choice2=="oil rig"or choice2=="oil"or choice2=="rig"or choice2=="3": price=1000000 multiplier=10000 if cash<=price: print("Not enough money you need $",ammount3,"more to buy one (Hold \"Enter\" to make some).") break if cash>=price: print("How many") print("**MAKE SURE ITS A NUMBER**") ammount=input("Ammount:") if ammount=="": print("You have to write a number!") break ammount=int(ammount) if ammount<0: print("The ammount cannot be under 0") break x=True while x==True: required=ammount*price ammount4=(required-cash) if cash<required: if ammount==1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"Oil rigs ($",ammount4,")") if oil==1: print("you currently have",oil,"Oil rig") if oil>1: print("you currently have",oil,"Oil rigs") if ammount>1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"Oil rigs ($",ammount4,")") if oil==1: print("you currently have",oil,"Oil rig") if oil>1: print("you currently have",oil,"Oil rigs") ammount=int(cash/price) if cash>=required: cash-=required oilcash+=ammount*multiplier oil+=ammount if oil==1: print("You have bought",ammount,"Oil rig") print("You now have",oil,"oil rig") if oil>1: print("You have bought",ammount,"oil rigs") print("You now have",oil,"Oil rigs") break # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(asteroid) if choice2=="asteroidminer"or choice2=="asteroid miner"or choice2=="asteroid"or choice2=="miner"or choice2=="4": price=1000000000000 multiplier=1000000000 if cash<=price: ammount3=(price-cash) print("Not enough money you need $",ammount3,"more to buy one (Hold \"Enter\" to make some).") break if cash>=price: print("How many") print("**MAKE SURE ITS A NUMBER**") ammount=input("Ammount:") if ammount=="": print("You have to write a number!") break ammount=int(ammount) if ammount<0: print("The ammount cannot be under 0") break x=True while x==True: required=ammount*price ammount4=(required-cash) if cash<required: if ammount==1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"Asteroid miners ($",ammount4,")") if asteroidt==1: print("you currently have",asteroid,"Asteroid miner") if asteroid>1: print("you currently have",asteroid,"Asteroid miners") if ammount>1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"Asteroid miners ($",ammount4,")") if asteroid==1: print("you currently have",asteroid,"Asteroid miner") if asteroid>1: print("you currently have",asteroid,"Asteroid miners") ammount=int(cash/price) if cash>=required: cash-=required asteroidcash+=ammount*multiplier asteroid+=ammount if asteroid==1: print("You have bought",ammount,"Asteroid miner") print("You now have",asteroid,"Asteroid miner") if asteroid>1: print("You have bought",ammount,"Asteroid miners") print("You now have",asteroid,"Asteroid minerss") break # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(space)s if choice2=="spacestation"or choice2=="space station"or choice2=="space"or choice2=="station"or choice2=="ss": price=1000000000000000000000 multiplier=1000000000000000 if cash<=price: print("Not enough money you need $",ammount3,"more to buy one (Hold \"Enter\" to make some).") break if cash>=price: print("How many") print("**MAKE SURE ITS A NUMBER**") ammount=input("Ammount:") if ammount=="": print("You have to write a number!") break ammount=int(ammount) if ammount<0: print("The ammount cannot be under 0") break x=True while x==True: required=ammount*price ammount4=(required-cash) if cash<required: if ammount==1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"Space stations ($",ammount4,")") if space==1: print("you currently have",space,"Space station") if space>1: print("you currently have",space,"Space stations") if ammount>1: print("Not enough money for",ammount,"Space stations ($",ammount4,")") if space==1: print("you currently have",space,"Space station") if space>1: print("you currently have",space,"Space stations") ammount=int(cash/price) if cash>=required: cash-=required spacecash+=ammount*multiplier space+=ammount if space==1: print("You have bought",ammount,"Space station") print("You now have",space,"Space station") if space>1: print("You have bought",ammount,"Space stations") print("You now have",space,"Space stations") break if choice2=="": break else: time.sleep(0)
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