#!/usr/bin/env python # # BodyMedia ArmBand Device Library # # July 2009 by Centi Benzo centibenzo@gmail.com # # THIS CODE IS DECLARED BY THE AUTHOR TO BE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. # NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS PROVIDED. # # See blog for notes: bodybugglinux.blogspot.com # # LIBRARY VERSION - z718a # # BodyMedia Notes # FCC ID PV8-MF filings provide internal photos # Interal photos reveal: # -Fractus chip antenna # -FTDI QFP-32 - from footprint, FT232BL? (8-bit parallel) # -8-pin SSC chip # -16-pin chip # -16-pin chip # -64-pin chip, blurred number *161*(?) - ?MSP430F1612? 16-bit MCU, 5120B RAM, 55kB Flash # -LiPoly 3.7V 300mAh battery import string import struct import serial import sys import cPickle import getopt import time import math from numpy import array, ndarray, fromstring, zeros, resize import numpy try: from PIL import Image def ToImage(d): return Image.fromarray(d) except ImportError: print "PIL library not found. ToImage() func unavailable" def ParseLine(ln): ln = ln.rstrip("\r\n") if len(ln) == 0: return None elif ln[0] != ' ': return ln[0:3] # will be "Req", "Ans" or something else else: v = ln[1:48].split(" ") return [int(i,16) for i in v if i != ''] def CombineListElements(lst): stack=[] while True: if len(lst) == 0: return stack elif len(lst) > 1 and type(lst[0]) == list and type(lst[1]) == list: e = lst[0] + lst[1] lst = [e] + lst[2:] else: stack += [lst[0]] lst = lst[1:] def ParseFile(f): """Parses a 'Free Serial Port Monitor' Request View export file - ie, you can use this function to load a sniffed serial port conversation between the BodyMedia software and the device.""" txt = f.readlines() lns = [ParseLine(l) for l in txt] print len(lns) # Combine successive data files lns = CombineListElements(lns) print len(lns) # Filter Null lines lns = [x for x in lns if x != None] # Change to (type, data) format lns = [(lns[i], lns[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(lns)) if lns[i] == 'Req' or lns[i] == 'Ans'] lns = [(x[0], ListToByteString(x[1])) for x in lns] print len(lns) return lns def ListToByteString(l): return struct.pack("B" * len(l), *l) def OpenSerial(fname="/dev/ttyUSB0"): ser=serial.Serial(fname,baudrate=921600,timeout=.01) ser.close() ser.open() # Device needs some commands to warm up. Won't always get response to first command (NOT timeout issue) fail=0 while True: p=[0x80, 0x01, 0x01] # simple "register" read cmd = CreateSimpleRequest(p) try: WriteAndReadSerialPacket(ser, cmd) break except: print "Attempting to talk to device, try %i - trying again..." % fail fail += 1 if fail > 5: raise Exception("Failed to talk to device!") return ser def ReadSerial(ser, minLen, timeout=3.0, maxLen=2**15): """Read at least minLen bytes from serial, with specified timeout. This varies from the Serial.setTimeout() character timeout, since a read may return prematurely.""" s='' t0=time.time() while True: s += ser.read(maxLen - len(s)) if len(s) >= minLen or len(s) == maxLen: return s if time.time() - t0 > timeout: raise Exception("ReadSerial timeout after %f sec, expected %i bytes, got %i bytes: %s" % (time.time() - t0, minLen, len(s), s)) def WriteAndReadSerialPacket(ser, packet): """Write specified packet, and read the response. Detects if packet expects a "burst" response, and reads exactly that many response packets. """ assert len(packet) == 69, "Exptected a request packet of size 69, not %i" % len(packet) parse = ParsePacket2(packet) assert parse['type'] == 'Req', "WriteAndReadSerial expect a Req type packet as parameter" rlen = parse.get('rlen',1) n = int(math.ceil(float(rlen)/44.)) ser.write(packet) return ReadSerial(ser, minLen=n*66, maxLen=n*66) def CreateMemoryReadPacket(offset, length): """Construct a memory request packet for starting address and length""" buf = struct.pack('<BBIH', 0x82, 0x0, offset, length) return CreateSimpleRequest(buf) def MemoryDump(ser, offset=0, length=2*(2**20), stopAtFF=True): """Produce a memory dump from the serial device. if stopAtFF==True, the stop reading when a response packet of all 0xFF occurs. length is the size of memory to read. Physical device has a 2MByte address space. GoWearFit software usually reads up until 193,600 bytes.""" packets=[] total=0 while total < length: rlen = min(length - total, 8800) pp = CreateMemoryReadPacket(total, rlen) packets.append(pp) sys.stderr.write(".") packets.append(WriteAndReadSerialPacket(ser, pp)) total += rlen if stopAtFF and packets[-1][-66+20:-66+63] == '\xff'*43: break mem = AssembleDataFromPackets(packets) return (packets, mem) def ClearMemory(ser): """Clear sensor data from memory. There may be other memory ranges. I also see a 0x89..0x04 command. Returns the response from the device.""" pac = [0x89, 0x85, 0x02] # 85 is just the dumb sequence number ser.write(CreateSimpleRequest(pac)) return ReadSerial(ser, 66) def FullSerialDump(serialName="/dev/ttyUSB0", banks=set([0x2, 0xb])): # Load dump req= cPickle.load(open("known_requests.cpickle","r")) ser= OpenSerial(serialName) log= [] for p in [x for x in req if ((ord(x[12]) & 0x7F) in banks)]: log.append(p) sys.stderr.write(".") log.append(WriteAndReadSerialPacket(ser, p)) if len(log[-1])==0: ser.close() raise Exception("Got empty response. Try again.") ser.close() sys.stderr.write("\n") return log def ProtocolAnalysis(ss): """Accepts a list of byte strings of uniform length. Returns a list of lists of values seen at each position""" c=[set() for x in range(0,len(ss[0]))] for s in ss: for i in range(0,len(c)): if i >= len(s): x = None else: x = s[i] c[i].add(x) return c def PrintProtocolAnalysis(c): for i in range(0,len(c)): print str(i)+":", for x in list(c[i])[0:20]: print "%02x" % ord(x), if len(c[i]) > 20: print "...",len(c[i])-20,"more...", print def Checksum(pk): chk=0 for x in pk: chk += ord(x) return chk def CreateSimpleRequest(addr): """Creates a simple request using an address. addr should be a list of four address(?) bytes. ex: [0x8B, 0x24, 0x1, 0x11] Also will accept a string. """ if type(addr) == list: addr = ListToByteString(addr) # Unchanging header (at least in any data we've seen) # Rudy has identified some fields, but we don't need them fromAddr= "\x00\x00\x00\x0e" toAddr = "\xff\xff\xff\xff" # this is usually the device HW address pk ='\xab\x03\x3c\x00' + fromAddr + toAddr pk += addr # Zero pad the rest of payload pk += ListToByteString([0]*(64-len(pk))) checksum = Checksum(pk[1:]) # sync byte not included pk += chr(checksum % 256) pk += '\xba\xba\xba\xba' return pk def RecomputeChecksum(packet): """Recompute the checksum on an existing packet. Returns a modified packet. Assumes len(packet)=69""" assert len(packet) == 69, "Packet length must equal 69" checksum = Checksum(packet[1:64]) packet = packet[0:64] + chr(checksum % 256) + packet[65:] return packet def HexPrint(s, format="%02X"): """Pretty print in Hex the characters in a string""" for x in s: if ord(x) == 0: #sys.stdout.write("__") print "__", else: print format % ord(x), print def AnsiColorRange(x): invert= (x >> 7) & 1 color= (x >> 4) & 7 bold = (x >> 3) & 1 s = "\33[%im" % (31 + color) if bold: s += "\33[1m" if invert: s += "\33[7m" return s def HexPrintColor(s, format="%02X"): """Pretty print in Hex the characters in a string, with color""" for x in s: color=ord(x) % 7 bold=ord(x) % 2 if x <= 'z' and x >= 'A': c=x bold = 0 else: c=" " if ord(x) == 0: sys.stdout.write("__ ") else: sys.stdout.write( ("\33[%im\33[%im"+format+"\33[0m%s") % (31+color,1 + 21*bold, ord(x),c) ) print def HexPrintColor2(s, format="%02X"): for x in s: color=AnsiColorRange(ord(x)) if x <= 'z' and x >= 'A': c=x bold = 0 else: c=" " if ord(x) == 0: sys.stdout.write("__ ") else: sys.stdout.write( (color + format + "\33[0m%s") % (ord(x), c) ) sys.stdout.write("\n") def HexPrintMod(s, mod, format="%2X", color=True, label=True, skip=None, skip2=None, start=0x0, size=None): assert skip == None or type(skip) == str,"skip should be a single string character" if type(s) == ndarray: s = s.tostring() skipcnt=0 if size == None: size = len(s) else: size = start + size for i in range(start, size, mod): if (skip != None and s[i:i+mod] == skip*mod) \ or ((skip2 != None) and s[i:i+mod] == skip2*mod): skipcnt += mod continue if skipcnt > 0: sys.stdout.write("skipped %i bytes of %x\n" % (skipcnt, ord(skip))) skipcnt=0 if label: sys.stdout.write("%4x: " % i) if color: HexPrintColor2(s[i:i+mod], format) else: HexPrint(s[i:i+mod], format) # Mapping from struct module format codes to printf fmtmap = {'b':'%3i', 'B':'%3i', 'h':'%5i', 'H':'%5i', 'f':'%5f'} def StructToString(s, fmt, minwidth=0, color=True, hexonly=False): """Unpacks and creates a string representation of a python struct in an intelligent, fixed field width way""" if type(s) == ndarray: s=s.tostring() d=struct.unpack_from(fmt, s) minf="%" + str(minwidth)+"s" out="" hex=0 pos=0 for i in range(0, len(d)): while not fmtmap.has_key(fmt[0]): if fmt[0] == 'x': s=s[1:] fmt = fmt[1:] if color: c = string.join(fmtmap.keys(),"").find(fmt[0]) out += "\33[%im" % (31 + c) if not hexonly: out += minf % (fmtmap[fmt[0]] % d[i] + " ") else: sz = struct.calcsize(fmt[0]) a = minf % (("%0"+str(2*sz)+"x") % (HexStringToInt(s[:sz])) + " ") a = a.replace("00","__") out += a s = s[sz:] if color: out += "\33[0m" fmt = fmt[1:] return out def PrintMultiLineLabels(labels, width=6): one="" two="" fmt="%"+str(width)+"s" for x in labels: if len(x)+1 > width: one += fmt % x[:3] two += fmt % (x[3:]) else: one += fmt % "" two += fmt % x sys.stdout.write(one + "\n") sys.stdout.write(two + "\n") def PrintByteLabels(fmt, s4len): szFmt = struct.calcsize(fmt) pos=0 ss=[] for c in fmt: sz = struct.calcsize(c) if fmtmap.has_key(c): if sz > 1: ss.append("%5s" % ("%2i-%i" % (pos, pos+sz-1))) elif sz == 1: ss.append("%5s" % ("_%i_" % pos)) pos += sz sys.stdout.write(string.join(ss," ") + "\n") def PrintByteStats(s4, fmt, indent=""): szFmt = struct.calcsize(fmt) d = array([struct.unpack_from(fmt, row) for row in s4]).transpose() stats = dict(CalcStats(d)) labels=[" MIN"," MAX"," AVG","MDIAN","STDEV"] for i in range(0,5): ss=[] pos=0 idx=0 for c in fmt: sz = struct.calcsize(c) if fmtmap.has_key(c): ss.append("%5s" % ("%i" % stats[idx][i])) idx += 1 pos += sz sys.stdout.write(labels[i] + " " + string.join(ss," ") + "\n") def CalcStats(d): stats=[] i=0 for col in d: avg=sum(col)/len(col) med=median(col) ssquares=sum([(x - avg)**2. for x in col]) stddev=sqrt(ssquares/len(col)) stats.append((i, (min(col), max(col), int(avg), int(med), int(stddev)))) i+=1 return stats def PrintRecords(labels, s4, fmtHead, fmtTail="", printHex=True, printNorm=True): fmt = fmtHead szHead = struct.calcsize(fmtHead) szTail = struct.calcsize(fmtTail) printableHead = string.join([x for x in fmtHead if fmtmap.has_key(x)],"") printableTail = string.join([x for x in fmtTail if fmtmap.has_key(x)],"") if fmtTail != "": gap = len(s4[0]) - (struct.calcsize(fmtHead) + struct.calcsize(fmtTail)) fmt = fmtHead + ("x"*gap) + fmtTail labels = ["LINE"] + labels[:len(printableHead)] + labels[len(labels)-len(printableTail):] PrintMultiLineLabels(labels,6) sys.stdout.write(6*" ") PrintByteLabels(fmt, len(s4)) for i in range(0, len(s4)): if printNorm: sys.stdout.write("%5i:%s\n" % (i, StructToString(s4[i], fmt, 6))) if printHex: sys.stdout.write("\33[0m") sys.stdout.write(" %s\n" % (StructToString(s4[i], fmt, 6, color=False, hexonly=True))) if not ((i+1) % 40) or (i == len(s4) - 1): PrintMultiLineLabels(labels,6) sys.stdout.write(6*" ") PrintByteLabels(fmt, len(s4)) #HexPrintMod(s4[i][:szHead].tostring() + s4[i][len(s4[i]) - szTail:].tostring(), szHead + szTail) PrintByteStats(s4, fmt) def HexPrintArray(a, format="%2X", color=True): for i in range(0, len(a)): if color: HexPrintColor(a[i].tostring(), format) else: HexPrint(a[i].tostring(), format) def SimpleReq(ser, addr): pk = CreateSimpleRequest(addr) ser.write(pk) a=ReadSerial(ser, 66) return a def ReplayReq(ser, pk): if type(pk) != str: raise Exception("ReplayReq got non-string for packet") ser.write(pk) a=ReadSerial(ser, 66) return a def SplitBurst(pk): """Split a burst packet into its sub-packets. Burst packets are always (?) split into 66 byte sub-packets.""" v=[] while len(pk) > 0: v.append(pk[0:66]) pk = pk[66:] return v def ParsePacket2(pk): if type(pk) == list: return [ParsePacket2(x) for x in pk] # Detect and recurse on burst packet if len(pk) > 130: burst = SplitBurst(pk) return dict([("type","Burst"), ("burst", [ParsePacket2(x) for x in burst])]) d={} # split the end and start padding if pk[-4:] == '\xba\xba\xba\xba': pk = pk[:-4] elif pk[-1] == '\xba': pk = pk[:-1] else: raise Exception("Unexpected padding "+pk[-4:]) assert pk[0] == '\xab',"Sync byte not equal to AB" pk= pk[1:] # Now perform checksum (w/o padding or checksum field) checksum = Checksum(pk[:-1]) if pk[0] == '\x03': d['type']='Req' elif pk[0] == '\x04': d['type']='Ans' else: raise Exception("Unkown packet type") pk= pk[1:] d['len']= 256*ord(pk[1]) + ord(pk[0]) pk= pk[2:] assert d['len'] > 59, "Packet len too short" d['fromAddr']= pk[:4] pk= pk[4:] d['toAddr']= pk[:4] pk= pk[4:] d['reqbit']= (ord(pk[0]) & 0x80)>>7 d['bank']= 0x7F&ord(pk[0]) pk= pk[1:] d['n']= ord(pk[0]) pk= pk[1:] # Split off body d['body']= pk[0:-1] # checksum d['chk']= ord(pk[-1]) if d['chk'] != (checksum % 256): raise Exception("ERROR: Checksum mismatch %x != %x" % (d['chk'], checksum % 256)) #### Read Burst Fields if d['type'] == 'Req' and d['bank'] == 0x2: d['offset']=fromstring(pk[0] + pk[1]+ pk[2] + pk[3],'uint32')[0] pk= pk[4:] d['rlen']= fromstring(pk[0] + pk[1],'uint16')[0] if d['type'] == 'Ans' and d['bank'] == 0x2: d['offset']=fromstring(pk[0] + pk[1]+ pk[2] + pk[3],'uint32')[0] pk= pk[4:] d['rlen']= fromstring(pk[1] + pk[0],'uint16')[0] return d #return dict([(n[i],d[i]) for i in range(0,len(d))]) def PrintPacket2(packet, color=True, indent=""): if type(packet) == str: p = ParsePacket2(packet) elif type(packet) == list: for x in packet: PrintPacket2(x, color, indent) return else: p = packet # already parsed if p['type'] == 'Burst': for x in p['burst']: PrintPacket2(x, color, indent + " ") return sys.stdout.write(indent + p['type'][0] + ' ') # type sys.stdout.write("%02x " % p['bank']) if p.has_key('offset'): sys.stdout.write("%6x %4x " % (p['offset'],p['rlen'])) remainder= p['body'][6:] else: remainder= p['body'] remainder = remainder.rstrip("\x00") if color: HexPrintColor(remainder) else: HexPrint(remainder, "%02X") def FlattenBurstPackets(packets): output=[] for p in packets: if p['type'] == "Burst": output.extend(p['burst']) else: output.append(p) return output def AssembleDataFromPackets(packets): """Create a single data array from a set of packets. Will operate on a list of parsed packet dictionaries, or a list of raw packets in string form""" if len(packets) == 0: return [] if type(packets[0]) == str: packets = ParsePacket2(packets) packets = FlattenBurstPackets(packets) ##memsize = 0x30e61 ##mem = zeros([memsize],'uint8') mem = zeros([0],'uint8') for p in packets: if p['type'] == 'Ans' and p['bank'] == 0x2: o=p['offset'] sz=p['rlen'] assert len(p['body']) == sz + 6, Exception("body/length mismatch") #assert o + sz < memsize, Exception("Memory overflow: assumed memory size too small") if (o + sz) > len(mem): mem = numpy.resize(mem, (o+sz)) mem[o:o+sz] = fromstring(p['body'][6:], dtype='uint8') return mem def HexStringToInt(s): """Binary data in MSB string format.""" n=0 for x in s: n = n*256 + ord(x) return n def HexStringToIntLSB(s): """Binary data in LSB string format.""" n=0 for x in s[::-1]: n = n*256 + ord(x) return n def StringCorrespondance(s1, s2): l = min(len(s1), len(s2)) c=0 for i in range(0, l): if s1[i] == s2[i]: c+=1 return c def ByteFrequencyTransform(s, maxshift): """A little trick I invented to discover data record lengths""" F=[] # correspondances for range of shift levels for i in range(0, maxshift+1): sshift = s[i:] F.append((i, StringCorrespondance(s, sshift))) return F def MemPrettyPrint(mem, bank=None): reg = mem.getMergedRegions() for b in reg: if bank!=None and b[0] != bank: continue print print "***BANK %04X" % b[0] for r in b[1]: # Print in 46 byte increments (apparent record size) for i in range(r[0], r[1], 46): print "%04X %04X:" % (b[0], i), HexPrintColor(mem.get(b[0], i, 46), "%02X") ### OBSOLETE def ReadStruct1(d): # Structure 1 (seen at 0x201 offset 0), contains 5 records # Exact copy of this structure also seen at 0x201534 # (hypothesis - data layout information), record length 22 # # 1 byte unknown, 0x0 except for first entry of 0x1 # 1 byte record ID number(?) # 9 byte null-terminated string field # 11 byte data field # 16-bit LSB "Div" field ("div" label from HTTP) # 8 1-byte channel numbers (from HTTP) # 1 byte record size number r=[] for i in range(0,5): v = (ord(d[0]), ord(d[1]), d[2:11].rstrip('\x00')) div = HexStringToInt(d[12] + d[11]) chan = [ord(x) for x in d[13:21]] sz = ord(d[21]) v = (v[0], v[1], v[2], div, chan, sz) r.append(v) d = d[22:] return r ### OBSOLETE def ReadStruct2(d): # Structure 2 - 0x201 offset 106 # # String or column name list # Records of length 10 # 9 byte string null terminated (pad?), 1 byte sequential ID or column number(?) # We don't know how to determine list length. We assume fixed 30 entries # A fresh device will have no table. We check. if d[0] == '\xFF': sys.stderr.write("ReadStruct2: No name list found - the device contains no data(?)\n") return [] prefix=d[0:8] # TODO: Unidentified fields d=d[8:] r=[] # result for i in range(0,42): #r.append((ord(d[10*i + 9]), d[10*i:10*i + 8].rstrip('\x00'))) r.append((ord(d[10*i]), d[10*i+1:10*i + 9].rstrip('\x00'))) offset = 42*10 s1= ReadStruct1(d[offset:]) offset += 5*22 + 1 # Always 5 records unk = d[offset] # Always 0x02 ?? offset += 1 timestamp= HexStringToIntLSB( d[offset:offset+4] ) return {'unk1':prefix, 'fields':r, 'layout':s1, 'unk2':unk, 'timestamp':timestamp} ### OBSOLETE def ReadStruct4(d,makeArray=True): # Structure 4 (0x201: 810 - most of memory) # Primary data structure, length 46 # Recognizable by vertical hex 10, 11, 12, 13 # # Sub-Structure 4.10, length 13 # 1 byte == 10 # 2 bytes == 2 byte MSB integer, usually increasing (but not always) # # Sub-Structure 4.11, length 12 # # Sub-Structure 4.12, length 12 # # Sub-Structure 4.13, length 9 r=[] ld=len(d) # Scan for starting row - structure between s2 and s4 is occasionally a # different size, and I'm not sure of how to parse it. start=None for i in range(0, min(46, ld-46)): if d[i]=='\x10' and d[i+13]=='\x11' and d[i+13+12]=='\x12' and d[i+13+12+12]=='\x13': start=i break if start == None: sys.stderr.write("Cannot find any more sensor data on device") return (r, 0) if start != 0: sys.stderr.write("Alignment shifted by "+str(start)+" bytes\n") d=d[start:] icorrection=0 for i in range(0, ld, 46): if len(d)==0: break if d[0] != '\x10' and d[0] != '\x35': sys.stderr.write("INFO: Struct4 Lost 0x10 marker after %i bytes" % (ld - len(d)) + " on byte 0x%x\n" % ord(d[0])) HexPrintMod(d, 46, size=46*3) break if d[0] == '\x35': # Timestamp s35=d[0:11] sys.stderr.write("Timestamp: %x " % HexStringToIntLSB(s35[-4:]) + "\n") s35 = [ord(x) for x in s35] icorrection += 11 else: s35=[0x35]+[0]*10 s10 = d[0:13] s10 = [ord(x) for x in s10] s11 = d[13:25] s11 = [ord(x) for x in s11] s12 = d[25:37] s12 = [ord(x) for x in s12] s13 = d[37:46] s13 = [ord(x) for x in s13] if makeArray: r.append(s10 + s11 + s12 + s13 + s35) else: r.append([s10, s11, s12, s13]) d=d[46:] if makeArray: return (array(r,dtype='uint8'), i) else: return (r, i) class Table: def __init__(self): s1=None s2=None s3=None s4=None ### UNUSED def ReadFields(packets): parsed = ParsePacket2(packets) d=dict() for x in parsed: if x.has_key('bank') and x['bank'] == 0xb and x['reqbit'] == 0: d[ord(x['body'][0])] = x['body'][1:].rstrip('\x00') return d ### OBSOLETE def ReadPackedData(fields, data): h = data.tostring().encode('hex') pos=0 v=[] for i in range(0,len(fields)): if fields[i][0:2] == 'ID': # padded to byte aligned if (pos % 2) == 1: pos += 1 v.append(int(h[pos:pos+2],16)) pos += 2 else: v.append(int("0"+h[pos:pos+3],16)) pos += 3 return v def FindAll(mem, sub, before=16, after=16, mod=32): """Finds occurances of a substring in a large string. Pretty Prints Hex and location of all matches""" if type(mem) == ndarray: mem = mem.tostring() hits=[] offset=0 l=after+before while True: offset=string.find(mem, sub, offset) if offset == -1: break if l > mod and len(hits) > 0: print # multi-line per hit, make blank HexPrintMod(mem, mod, start=offset-before, size=l) hits.append(offset) offset += len(sub) return hits # struct representation of records # Number of times the corresponding RecPack record repeats, if any # second field is initial reading before repeat, if any RecRepeat={} # Record structure RecPack={} # Type #1 - Advanced Record layouts RecPack[1] = '<B 9s HB 8B B ' RecRepeat[1] = (5, "") # Type #6 - Field Names RecPack[6] = '<B 9s' RecRepeat[6] = (42, "<BB") # Type #2 and #3 - Timestamps (whats the difference?) RecPack[2] = '<I' RecPack[3] = '<I' # Type #53 - Timestamp with unknown field (band on, band off?) RecPack[53] = '<6B I' # Type #48 - Unknown record discovered by Freak RecPack[48] = '<I' # 12-bit field advanced record types (comes from type #1 table) RecPack[16] = 13 RecPack[17] = 12 RecPack[18] = 12 RecPack[19] = 9 def ReadPacked12Bit(d): """Read 12-bit packed array of ints in d""" if type(d) == ndarray: d=d.tostring() h = d.encode('hex') v = [] pos=0 for pos in range(0, len(h),3): if len(h[pos:pos+3]) < 3: # record boundries padded 0xf break v.append(int("0"+h[pos:pos+3], 16)) return v def ReadRecord(d, offset=0x0): id = d[0] d=d[1:] # Eat id if id == 0xff or id == 0x4: # Normal end of Data return id, None, None sztotal = 1 assert RecPack.has_key(id), "Unknown record ID %i at offset %i" % (id, offset) if RecRepeat.has_key(id): sz = struct.calcsize(RecPack[id]) init=struct.unpack_from(RecRepeat[id][1], d) szinit=struct.calcsize(RecRepeat[id][1]) d=d[szinit:] sztotal += szinit res=[] for i in range(0, RecRepeat[id][0]): res.append(struct.unpack_from(RecPack[id], d)) d=d[sz:] sztotal += sz elif type(RecPack[id]) == str: sz = struct.calcsize(RecPack[id]) res = struct.unpack_from(RecPack[id], d) sztotal += sz elif type(RecPack[id]) == int: # 12-bit field array # A padding byte 0xFF may be present sz = RecPack[id] - 1 res = ReadPacked12Bit(d[:sz]) sztotal += sz return id, sztotal, res def ReadAllRecords(mem): offset=0 v=[] while True: r = ReadRecord(mem[offset:], offset) if r[0] == 0xff or r[0] == 0x4: # Normal end of data return v v.append(r) offset += r[1] ### OBSOLETE def ReadAllStruct(mem): # mem may be an array, a string, or a list of packets # # Structure 3 (0x201: 658 - ~700 offset) # No clear fixed record sizes, oddball info? """ Attempt to parse a data table header""" if type(mem) == ndarray: mem= mem.tostring() elif type(mem) == list: packets = mem mem = AssembleDataFromPackets(packets) mem = mem.tostring() tab=Table() tab.s1=ReadStruct1(mem[0:110]) offset = 106 tab.s2=[] tab.s4=[] while True: s2len=750 s2 = ReadStruct2(mem[offset:offset+s2len]) offset += s2len print offset (s4, next) = ReadStruct4(mem[offset:]) print offset, next offset += next if next != 0: tab.s2.append(s2) tab.s4.append(s4) else: break if packets != None: tab.fields = ReadFields(packets) tab.layout = [] tab.data = [] for r in tab.s1: if r[3] != 0: tab.layout.extend(["ID_"+str(r[1])] + [tab.fields[i] for i in r[4] if i < 42]) for i in range(0, len(tab.s4)): tab.data.append([]) for r in tab.s4[i]: tab.data[i].append(ReadPackedData(tab.layout, r)) return tab ### OBSOLETE def Struct1ToTabDelim(table): out=[["N","TYPE_ID","NAME","DIV"] + ["CHAN"]*8 + ["BYTES"]] for r in table: out.append([r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]] + [x for x in r[4]] + [r[5]]) return out def WriteTabDelim(t,fhandle=None): if fhandle == None: fhandle=sys.stdout for r in t: for f in r: fhandle.write(str(f)+"\t") fhandle.write("\n") ### DEPRECATED def SaveStructTabDelim2(packets,fname=None): table=ReadAllStruct(packets) if fname != None: # Write out f=open(fname,"w") else: f=sys.stdout WriteTabDelim( Struct1ToTabDelim(table.s1), f ) for i in range(0, len(table.data)): f.write("UNK\t" + table.s2[i]['unk1'].encode('hex') + "\n") # timestamp? f.write(string.join(["EPOCH", "TIME"] + table.layout, "\t") + "\n") ts = table.s2[i]['timestamp'] # Timestamp tdata = [[ts + 60*y, time.ctime(ts+60*y)] + table.data[i][y] for y in range(0, len(table.data[i]))] WriteTabDelim( tdata, f ) #WriteTabDelim( table.data[i], f ) sys.stdout = f PrintPacket2([x for x in packets if x[12] != '\x02'],color=False) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ if fname != None: f.close() return def GetFields(type1Layout, type6Names): """Return a dictionary of field names for all record types listed in type1Layout""" fields={} for r in type1Layout[2]: fields[r[0]] = [type6Names[2][i][1].rstrip('\x00') for i in r[3:11] if i != 254] return fields def RecordTable(packets): mem=AssembleDataFromPackets(packets) recs=ReadAllRecords(mem) assert len(recs) > 3, "No sensor data is currently on the device (or dump)" # We record the last encountered last={} lastTimestamp=None lastTimestampRow=None fields=None out=[] for r in recs: last[r[0]] = r # Output line if we have a 16, 17, and 18, and 19 if len(set([16,17,18,19]) - set(last.keys())) == 0 and lastTimestamp != None: t = lastTimestamp + 60*(len(out) - lastTimestampRow) ct = time.strftime("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t)) out.append([t, ct] + last[16][2] + last[17][2] + last[18][2] + last[19][2]) last.pop(16) last.pop(17) last.pop(18) last.pop(19) if r[0] in set([2,3]): lastTimestamp = r[2][0] lastTimestampRow = len(out) elif r[0]==53: lastTimestamp = r[2][6] lastTimestampRow = len(out) if last.has_key(1) and last.has_key(6): f = GetFields(last[1], last[6]) fields = ["EPOCH", "TIME"] for x in 16,17,18,19: fields.extend(f[x]) return fields, out def SaveStructTabDelim3(packets,fname=None): fields, records = RecordTable(packets) if fname != None: # Write out f=open(fname,"w") WriteTabDelim([fields] + records, f) f.close() else: WriteTabDelim([fields] + records) def RotateListOfLists(ad): return [array([x[i] for x in ad[1:]]) for i in range(0,len(ad[0]))] def ListOfListsToArray(d): return array([[y for y in x] for x in d],dtype='uint8') def TestForMsbLsbPair(x1,x2): """A simple test to see if two one-byte columns are actual a two-byte integer pair. The test checks if x1 is an MSB and x2 is an LSB. The test returns the percentage of time that the MSB value changes but the LSB value does NOT change. In almost all cases, the LSB value should always change if the MSB value changes. Return value is a tuple (score, score2, nx1, nx2, n2) nx1 is the number of times x1 changed value nx2 is the number of times x2 changed value n2 is the number of times both x1 and x2 changed value score is a value between 0 and 1 score = n2/nx1 - this should be larger than 1, since we don't expect more changes in the MSB than the LSB EXAMPLE compare an array of arrays: [(i,i+1) + bodylib.TestForMsbLsbPair(add[i], add[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(add)-1)] """ x1d=[x for x in x1[:-1] - x1[1:]] x1d=array([min(abs(x),1) for x in x1d]) x2d=[x for x in x2[:-1] - x2[1:]] x2d=array([min(abs(x),1) for x in x2d]) # Number of changes in x1 n = sum(x1d) nx2 = sum(x2d) # Number of times both x1 and x2 changed n2 = sum(x1d * x2d) if n == 0: return (0., 0, 0) else: return (float(n2)/float(n), float(nx2)/float(n), n, nx2, n2) def TryAndTest(ser, packet): res = WriteAndReadSerialPacket(ser, packet) PrintPacket2(ParsePacket2(res)) mem = MemoryDump(ser) HexPrintMod(mem, 2*46, skip='\xff', skip2='\x00') print "Mem Size: ", len(mem.tostring().rstrip('\x00').rstrip('\xff')), " Checksum: %x" % Checksum(mem.tostring()) ### Main function(s) ### def main(argv=None): if argv == None: argv=sys.argv if len(args) > 0: std.syserr.write("Error: extra arguments. ") class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def PrintUsage(argv, fhandle=None): if fhandle==None: f=sys.stdout else: f=fhandle f.write( "USAGE: " + argv[0] + " [SOURCE] [TARGET] [TARGET] ...\n") f.write( "Retrieve and convert data from a BodyMedia armband device\n") f.write( "Convert from a packet source to one or more target formats\n") f.write( "A packet source can be a live BodyMedia USB device, a cPickle\n") f.write( "dump file of packets, or a capture file form a serial port sniffer.\n") f.write( "\nSOURCES - specify only one\n") f.write( "--fromSerial=<device>\t Extract data by quering a live USB device on the specified serial port\n") f.write( "--fromDump=<filename>\t Read packets from a cPickle dump file saved previously\n") f.write( "--fromFSPM=<filename>\t Parse packets from a 'Free Serial Port Monitor' by HDD Software. <filename> is an export of the RequestView window.\n") f.write( "\nTARGETS - specify one or more\n") f.write( "--toDump=<filename>\t Write cPickle dump of all packet data\n") f.write( "--toCsv=<filename>\t Write a Spreadsheet-compatible tab delimited file of most of the data\n") f.write( "--toPackets=<filename>\t Write parsed packets in human-readable HEX format\n") f.write( "--toMemDump=<filename>\t Write binary dump of device memory to filename\n") f.write( "--toMemHex=<filename>\t Write human readable HEX dump of device memory to filename\n") f.write( "--toMemHexColor=<filename>\t Write human readable COLOR HEX dump of device memory (ANSI Required)\n") f.write(" \nNOTE: Specify '-' as a filename to output commands in order to write to stdout instead of a file\n") f.write( "\nACTIONS\n") f.write( "--clear\t Clear saved sensor data from the device\n") if fhandle != None: f.close() def main(argv=None): sys.stderr.write("""THIS CODE IS DECLARED BY THE AUTHOR TO BE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.\nNO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED OF ANY KIND IS PROVIDED.\n""") if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h", ["help", "fromSerial=", "fromSerialFull=", "fromDump=", "fromFSPM=", "toDump=", "toCsv=", "toPackets=", "toMemDump=", "toMemHex=", "toMemHexColor=", "clear"]) dopts = dict(opts) except getopt.error, msg: raise Usage(msg) # Check for Help if dopts.has_key("-h") or dopts.has_key("--help"): PrintUsage(argv) return 0 # Sanity checks if dopts.has_key("--fromSerial") and dopts.has_key("--fromDump"): raise Usage("ERROR: Cannot have both --fromSerial and --fromDump - only one packet source") # Load packet source (serial or file) if dopts.has_key("--fromSerial"): ser = OpenSerial(dopts["--fromSerial"]) packets, mem = MemoryDump(ser) ser.close() elif dopts.has_key("--fromSerialFull"): packets=FullSerialDump(dopts['--fromSerialFull']) elif dopts.has_key("--fromDump"): packets=cPickle.load(open(dopts['--fromDump'],"r")) elif dopts.has_key("--fromFSPM"): f=open(dopts['--fromFSPM'], "r") lns = ParseFile(f) f.close() packets = ParsePacket2([x[1] for x in lns]) else: raise Usage("ERROR: Must provide either --fromSerial or --fromDump or other --from* packet source") # Write out packet data if dopts.has_key("--toDump"): cPickle.dump(packets, open(dopts['--toDump'],"w"), 2) print >>sys.stderr, "Wrote raw packet cPickle Dump to "+dopts['--toDump'] if dopts.has_key("--toCsv"): if dopts['--toCsv'] != '-': SaveStructTabDelim3(packets, dopts['--toCsv']) else: # stdout SaveStructTabDelim3(packets) print >>sys.stderr, "Wrote tab-delimited CSV file to "+dopts['--toCsv'] if dopts.has_key("--toPackets"): if dopts['--toPackets'] != '-': f=open(dopts['--toPackets'],"w") sys.stdout = f # Kinda scary... PrintPacket2(packets, color=False) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: PrintPacket2(packets, color=False) if dopts.has_key("--toMemDump"): f=open(dopts['--toMemDump'], "w") mem=AssembleDataFromPackets(packets) f.write(mem) f.close() print >>sys.stderr, "Wrote binary device memory dump to %s" % dopts['--toMemDump'] if dopts.has_key("--toMemHex"): mem=AssembleDataFromPackets(packets) if dopts['--toMemHex'] != '-': f=open(dopts['--toMemHex'], "w") sys.stdout = f # Kinda scary... HexPrintMod(mem, 46, skip='\xff', skip2='\x00', color=False) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: HexPrintMod(mem, 46, skip='\xff', skip2='\x00', color=False) print >>sys.stderr, "Wrote hex device memory dump to %s" % dopts['--toMemHex'] if dopts.has_key("--toMemHexColor"): mem=AssembleDataFromPackets(packets) if dopts['--toMemHexColor'] != '-': f=open(dopts['--toMemHexColor'], "w") sys.stdout = f # Kinda scary... HexPrintMod(mem, 46, skip='\xff', skip2='\x00', color=True) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: HexPrintMod(mem, 46, skip='\xff', skip2='\x00', color=True) if dopts.has_key("--clear"): # Clear device memory if dopts.has_key("--fromSerial"): fname = dopts["--fromSerial"] elif dopts.has_key("--fromSerialFull"): fname = dopts["--fromSerialFull"] else: raise Usage("ERROR: Must provide --fromSerial or --fromSerialFull to use --clear") ser = OpenSerial(dopts["--fromSerial"]) ClearMemory(ser) print >>sys.stderr, "Cleared logged sensor data from device" ser.close() except Usage, err: print >>sys.stderr, err.msg print >>sys.stderr, "for help use --help" return -2 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
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