print 'This is school helper/cheat program v1.0.' print 'If you want to find the area of a triangle type "33" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a quadrilateral type "44" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a pentagon type "55" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a hexagon type "66" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a septagon type "77" ' print 'If you want to find the area of an octagon type "88" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a nonagon type "99" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a decagon type "100" ' print 'If you want to find the area of a circle type "110" ' print 'If you want to multiply 2 numbers type "120" ' print 'If you want to divide 2 numbers type "130" ' print 'If you want to find the volume of a cube type "140" ' print 'If you want to find the volume of a triangular prism type "150" ' print 'If you want to add two numbers type "160" ' print 'If you want to subtract two numbers type "170" ' # get type of object and height/base parameters A = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) if A == 33: N1 = int(raw_input("Height: ")) N2 = int(raw_input("Base: ")) print (N1*N2)/2.0 elif A == 44: N3 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N4 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) print N3*N4 elif A == 55: N5 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N6 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N7 = N5/2.0 N8 = N6*N7 N9 = N8/2.0 N10 = N9*5.0 print N10 elif A == 66: N11 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N12 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N13 = N11/2.0 N14 = N13*N12 N15 = N14/2.0 N16 = N15*6.0 print N16 elif A == 77: N17 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N18 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) N19 = N17/2.0 N20 = N19*N18 N21 = N20/2.0 N22 = N21*7 print N22 elif A == 88: B = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B2 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B3 = B/2.0 B4 = B3*B2 B5 = B4/2.0 B6 = B5*8.0 print B6 elif A == 99: B7 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B8 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B9 = B7/2.0 B10 = B9*B8 B11 = B10/2.0 B12 = B11*9.0 print B12 elif A == 100: B13 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B14 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B15 = B13/2.0 B16 = B15*B14 B17 = B16/2.0 B18 = B17*10.0 print B18 elif A == 110: r = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) print (3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937520974944592397816)*(r**2) elif A == 120: B19 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B20 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) print B19*B20 elif A == 130: B21 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) B22 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) print B21/B22 elif A == 140: Z = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) Z1 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) Z2 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) print Z*Z1*Z2 elif A == 150: ASD = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) ASD2 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) ASD3 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) ASD4 = ASD*ASD2 ASD5 = ASD4/2.0 ASD6 = ASD5*ASD3 print ASD6 elif A == 160: Z3 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) Z4 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) Z5 = Z4+Z3 print Z5 elif A == 170: Z6 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) Z7 = int(raw_input("Enter number: ")) print Z5-Z6
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